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What does it mean to go in line?

To conform, adhere to, or agree with that which is established or generally accepted, such as rules, beliefs, modes of behavior, etc. You might have some wild ideas for the future, but you’ll never get anywhere in this business if you don’t start getting into line with your boss’s expectations.

What do you mean by in line with this?

: in agreement with The new policy is in line with the plans that were discussed last year. The red one is more in line with what I had in mind.

Is it inline with or in line with?

Use “in line” when you want to indicate where something or someone is. Use “inline” when you want to describe what something or someone is.

How do you say in line with this?

according to

  1. as reported by.
  2. as stated in.
  3. conforming to.
  4. in accord with.
  5. in accordance with.
  6. in agreement with.
  7. in consonance with.
  8. in keeping with.

Is in a row meaning?

phrase. If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.

Is in line with an idiom?

In agreement or accordance with someone or something; consistent with someone or something.

How do you say in accordance with?

in accordance with

  1. likewise.
  2. analogously.
  3. comparably.
  4. comparatively.
  5. consonantly.
  6. correspondingly.
  7. equally.
  8. equivalently.

Are in lieu of meaning?

: instead. in lieu of. : in the place of : instead of.

Does in line have a hyphen?

In the adjective sense, those are the same words as alternative spellings. The one without a hyphen is more common in computer-related cases, such as “an inline function”, while the one with a hyphen is, in my experience, more common in mechanical or manufacturing situations – “in-line engine”, “in-line manufacturing”.

Do it in a row?

If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days. They have won five championships in a row.

How do you use a row?

Example Sentences

  1. He has been sick for three days in a row.
  2. I can’t believe that my husband has made me go the same place for our anniversary three years in a row.
  3. My sister has won eight tennis matches in a row.
  4. Before I buy a house, I will need to get all of my ducks in a row.