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What does iron deficiency skin look like?

Skin that is paler than usual in areas such as the face, lower inner eyelids, or nails may be a sign of moderate or severe iron deficiency. This is caused by lower levels of hemoglobin, which gives blood its red color.

What happens to your skin if you have anemia?

As anemia worsens, your body can experience visible physical changes — your skin could become pale, your nails brittle and cuts may take longer to stop bleeding.

Can anemia cause skin issues?

Iron deficiency anemia can cause the skin to become itchy or susceptible to bruising. Scratched and bruised skin can cause a rash-like appearance on the skin.

Why does anemia cause stomach pain?

The destruction of the parietal cells resulting in pernicious anemia produces symptoms in the digestive tract, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain due to heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

What do you need to know about anemia?

Anemia is a low number of red blood cells or a low amount of hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein that helps carry oxygen throughout your body. Red blood cells use iron to create hemoglobin.

Can anemia cause skin problems?

Some types of anemia can cause rashes, which are abnormalities on the skin. Sometimes, the rash that presents with anemia may be due to the anemia condition itself. Other times, the rash may be due to complications from the treatment of the anemia.

Is bruising easily a symptom of anemia?

Easy bruising and bleeding is a common symptom of aplastic anemia. Normally, healthy individuals might bruise after running into things or receiving a blow to the skin. However, aplastic anemia patients may bruise from minor impacts or even possibly from no impact at all.