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What does Gleba mean?

: the sporogenous tissue forming the central mass of the sporophore in some basidiomycetes (as the puffballs, stinkhorns)

Is Gleba in the dictionary?

noun, plural gle·bae [glee-bee]. Mycology. the sporogenous tissue forming the central part of the sporophore in certain fungi, as in puffballs and stinkhorns.

What does spark mean in slang?

spark. noun (2) Definition of spark (Entry 3 of 5) 1 : a foppish young man. 2 : lover, beau.

What makes up the Gleba?

Gleba (/ˈɡliːbə/, from Latin glaeba, glēba, “lump”) is the spore-bearing inner mass of certain fungi such as the puffball or stinkhorn. The gleba is a solid mass of spores, generated within an enclosed area within the sporocarp. The gleba consists of mycelium, and basidia and may also contain capillitium threads.

What is Acerose?

Definitions of acerose. adjective. narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves. synonyms: acerate, acicular, needle-shaped simple, unsubdivided. (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions.

What was Emma’s first word in friends?

7. ‘Gleba’ Rachel’s daughter Emma’s first word was ‘Gleba’.

What does spark mean in dating?

Let’s start with the first question about what this “spark” is. Yes, the “spark” is a very real feeling. The simplest way to define it is chemistry between two personalities—it’s that charm you feel when you meet another human being that you really get along with.

What does sparking a girl mean?

spark verb Especially of a man: to woo, court (a woman); hence sparking = courting. 1859 Taliaferro Fisher’s River 118 I sparked her a little that night, and told her I was a-gwine wiz her to meetin’ next Sunday.

What does Gleeba mean in Friends?

Rachel’s daughter Emma’s first word was ‘Gleba’. The meaning of ‘gleba’ is the spore-bearing inner mass of certain fungi. Upon hearing this, Ross, a proud father, exclaimed that Emma would become a scientist for sure.