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What does Alexa Fluor 647 stain?

Alexa Fluor® 647 Phalloidin allows researchers to fluorescently stain the cytoskeleton through the binding of phalloidin to F-actin. This product is intended for use on fixed and permeabilized samples due to the toxicity associated with phalloidin.

Is Alexa 647 far red?

Invitrogen Alexa Fluor 647 dye is a bright, far-red–fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited for the 594 nm or 633 nm laser lines. Probes with high fluorescence quantum yield and high photostability allow detection of low-abundance biological structures with great sensitivity. …

Is phalloidin a fluorescent?

Fluorescent derivatives of phalloidin have turned out to be enormously useful in localizing actin filaments in living or fixed cells as well as for visualizing individual actin filaments in vitro. Therefore, fluorescent phalloidin can be used as an important tool in the study of actin networks at high resolution.

What does phalloidin stain?

Phalloidin is a highly selective bicyclic peptide that is used for staining actin filaments (also known as F-actin). It binds to all variants of actin filaments in many different species of animals and plants.

Is Alexa 555 red?

Alexa Fluor® 555 (AF555, Alexa 555) is a yellow-emitting synthetic fluorophore that can be excited by the 532 nm yellow laser and captured with a 575/36 nm bandpass filter.

What color is alexa488?

Invitrogen Alexa Fluor 488 dye is a bright, green-fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited to the 488 nm laser line.

Why is phalloidin toxic?

Phalloidin kills human cells by disrupting actin’s ability to polymerize and depolymerize. The toxin binds strongly to the filaments made up of polymerized actin, locking the protein and preventing it from depolymerizing into individual actin globules again.

How does phalloidin affect hepatocytes?

Phalloidin increases F-actin microfilament content and actin-directed immunofluorescence in hepatocytes in vivo and also increases actin polymerization and the stability of F-actin in vitro.

Is phalloidin excited by blue light?

a) Phalloidin is excited by blue light analogous to DAPI b) The blue light has a longer wavelength than the green light; therefore, it excites the fluorophore c) The high energy blue light initiates the crosslinking of actin and phalloidin d) The green fluorescent dye attached to phalloidin is excited by blue.

What does phalloidin do to hepatocytes?

9.08. 3.5. 6 Phalloidin This poison causes cholestatic hepatotoxicity, characterized by cholestasis, because it is selectively taken up by hepatocytes where it is then able to bind to F-actin (Loranger et al.

Are Alexa Fluor dyes fixable?

All Alexa dyes and their conjugates are more fluorescent and more photostable than their commonly used spectral analogues listed above. Alexa dye derivatives of phalloidin stain F-actin with high specificity. Hydrazide forms of the Alexa dyes are very bright, formaldehyde-fixable polar tracers.

What is the purpose of Alexa Fluor 647 phalloidin?

Alexa Fluor® 647 phalloidin is a high-affinity F-actin probe conjugated to our bright, photostable, far-red fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 647 dye. Phalloidin is a bicyclic peptide belonging to a family of toxins isolated from the deadly Amanita phalloides ‘death cap’ mushroom and is commonly used in imaging applications to selectively label F-actin.

How to detect phalloidin-ifluor 647 reagent in fluorescent microscope?

Product overview Phalloidin-iFluor 647 Reagent (ab176759) is one of a series of phalloidin conjugates that bind to actin filaments, also known as F-actin. Phalloidin-iFluor 647 can be detected with a fluorescent microscope at Ex/Em = 650/665 nm.

What is the phalloidin in F-actin?

Phalloidin is a bi-cyclic peptide belonging to a family of toxins originating from the deadly Amanita phalloides ‘death cap’ mushroom and commonly used in imaging applications to selectively label F-actin.

How is phalloidin staining combined with antibody based staining?

Phalloidin staining can be combined with antibody-based staining by adding the phalloidin conjugate during either the primary or secondary antibody incubation step.