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What does a limited clearance sign mean?

The “Limited Clearance” warning sign was introduced by British Railways in 1952. These signs are exhibited at each end of a structure close to the track. They provide a warning to any staff walking on the line that there is no position of safety along the length of the structure.

What is a limited clearance?

The Limited Clearance sign on a signal post telephone signifies that it is not to be used by anyone other than a driver, even in an emergency, because there is nowhere to stand clear of danger.

How close can you work to a railway line?

What is a position of safety? at least 2 meters (six foot six inches) from the running line for trains going between 101 and 125 miles per hour.

What is Lineside on the railway?

You are on the lineside if – you are within the railway boundary but not on or near the. line, and. you can be seen by the driver of an approaching train.

When you see a sign that says road narrows you should?

Road narrows signs warn about a narrow stretch of road ahead. Drivers don’t need to take immediate action but should proceed with some caution.

What is dip sign?

The dip sign is a warning sign. Dip signs indicate that there is a dip or low place in the road. Drivers are suggested to slow down when they see a dip sign. It’s hazardous to encounter this sharp depression in the road while driving at a high speed. A diamond-shaped sign with the word “DIP.”

What does Lineside mean?

: adjacent to a railway line lineside equipment for handling mail.

What is the four foot on the railway?

The area between the inner running faces of a pair of rails.

How far away must you and equipment be from overhead line equipment?

Lightweight tools and equipment must be left at least 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches) from the line, irrespective of the speed limit. An authorised walking route provides safe access to or from a place of work. These are often found near depots, stations and signalboxes.

When working near overhead line equipment What is the minimum distance you must be from it?

should be done at least 10 m away from OHPLs. jet breaker devices are fitted and working. Do not store pipes under or close to OHPLs. people to carry them as low as possible.

What does a COSS do?

A controller of site safety or COSS is a person qualified by the British company Network Rail to ensure safe practice for work occurring on or near rail infrastructure. Their primary role is to set up a safe system of work to protect staff from trains and trains from staff and activities.