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What does 115 mean in Zombies?

Element 115 was used to create the zombies as one of its side effects was the reanimation of dead cells. The zombies were to be used as super-soldiers by the Germans. After creating them, the Germans realized that they were uncontrollable and would lead to mankind’s destruction.

Is Element 115 in Cold War Zombies?

Firebase Z is headed to ‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’ next month. Day 115 is typically a big day for the Call Of Duty: Black Ops franchise. In particular, it’s a big day for the popular Zombies mode. This is a reference to Element 115 aka Moscovium, which has played a big part in the Zombies storyline.

Is Divinium real?

Is Divinium real? Divinium in my knowledge is ONLY a zombies thing and has never been a real thought or created thing. Unumpentium is the name of the Element prior to its renaming, but in the zombies universe Dv (Divinium) is element 115.

What is the LV element?

Livermorium is a chemical element with symbol Lv and atomic number 116. Classified as a post-transition metal, Livermorium is a expected to be a solid at room temperature.

Are the Apothicons evil?

The Apothicons are the main antagonists of the Call of Duty Zombies storyline. They are ancient evil tentacle beings trying to destroy the universe and timelines using Element 115.

What is the heaviest element on periodic table?

The heaviest naturally stable element is uranium, but over the years physicists have used accelerators to synthesize larger, heavier elements. In 2006, physicists in the United States and Russia created element 118.

What’s the element 155 in Call of Duty?

As many people know, in Call Of Duty: Zombies, there is an element that is called 155 and is supposedly the main source of the zombies. Which was originally thought as a made up element until more research was done into it and was found that a element called Ununpentium, the 155 element added to the periodic table of elements.

Why was element 115 used to create zombies?

Element 115 was used to create the zombies as one of its side effects was the reanimation of dead cells. The zombies were to be used as super-soldiers by the Germans. After creating them, the Germans realized that they were uncontrollable and would lead to mankind’s destruction.

Where is element 115 stored in Black Ops 4?

Processed Element 115 stored in a vial In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Primis and Ultimis’ mission are to banish everything that 115 has ever affected to the Dark Aether. They succeed in this, and the Zombies, Apothicons, 115-corrupted universes, as well as every piece of Element 115 in existence are sent there. Element 115 in other modes

What is the name of the element 115?

The Paralyzer overheats upon hitting “115” on a usage counter located on the top of the weapon. In Origins, a secret cipher note reveals that the in-game name for Element 115 is Divinium. It can be seen as Dv in the Maxis’ periodic table. Element 115 has went through visual changes between games, as.