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What can I say instead of tips?

What is another word for tips?

counsel advice
guidance direction
instruction enlightenment
advisement information
tip facts

What is an insider tip?

Insider tipping is illegal, and is closely related to insider trading. It means telling someone secret stock-price-moving information about a public company that may motivate the recipient to trade that company’s securities (e.g. shares or options).

What is another word for helpful tips?

What is another word for helpful hints?

clues helpful clues
helpful pointers helpful suggestions
lead pointers
useful clues valuable clues

What is another word for put inside?

What is another word for put inside?

incarcerate confine
wall in pen in
lock in pound
rail in mew up
put into irons bind

What is a synonym for handy tip?

1 accessible, at or on hand, at one’s fingertips, available, close, convenient, just round the corner, near, nearby, within reach. 2 convenient, easy to use, helpful, manageable, neat, practical, serviceable, useful, user-friendly.

What is a useful tip?

countable noun. A tip is a useful piece of advice.

What is an equity tip?

Tipping is the act of providing material non-public information about a publicly traded company or a security to a person who is not authorized to have the information. As long as the information is accurate, tipping can produce huge profits for an investor who acts on it when performing a securities transaction.

What does market tip mean?

The conventional definition of tipping focuses on a firm pulling away from its competitors once it gains an initial advantage. The market tips when a winner takes most—if not all—of the market.

What is a better word for put in?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for put in, like: land, put, insert, move toward, inclose, approach, sail for, barge-in, submit, enclose and stick in.

What is something inside something else?

inset. noun. something that is put in something else.