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What benefits do WIC participants receive?

Pregnant and postpartum women and children (under 5 years of age) participating in WIC receive food benefits for milk, cheese, eggs, cereals, peanut butter, dry beans/peas or canned beans/peas, and fruit or vegetable juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain choices to include breads, tortillas, brown rice …

How do you receive WIC benefits?

To apply for WIC:

  1. Obtain your local WIC office telephone number or call toll free 1-800-342-3556 and say you want to apply for WIC.
  2. The local WIC office will give you a date and time for a WIC certification visit. At this visit, the household income and the medical/nutrition status of each applicant will be reviewed.

Can you get diapers on WIC?

Federal Assistance Programs Diapers cannot be bought with SNAP (formerly called “food stamps”) or WIC. SNAP and WIC should NOT be used for diapers. They are nutrition programs administered by the Department of Agriculture.

Does WIC cover formula?

What food benefits do WIC participants receive? For women who do not fully breastfeed, WIC provides iron-fortified infant formula. Special infant formulas and medical foods may be provided when prescribed by a physician for a specified medical condition.

How long are WIC appointments?

How long does a WIC appointment take? A WIC certification appointment takes about 30 minutes for each person with an appointment. TIP: 30 minutes can seem like a long time to a child. Please bring a snack or favorite toy to help make the appointment easier for both you and your child.

Does WIC ask about the father?

Jay Meisenhelder. The simple answer is that you CAN’T get WIC without naming the father, because the father has a legal obligation to support his children. If your child’s father were providing your child (child support belongs to the CHILD, not the parent)…

Does WIC give you Similac?

Formulas for Medical Conditions WIC may be able to assist the family with one of the following formulas: WIC programs do not provide Similac Advance, Similac Soy Isomil, Similac Sensitive, or Nestle’s Good Start.

Who’s eligible for WIC?

Who is eligible? Pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 are eligible. They must meet income guidelines, a state residency requirement, and be individually determined to be at “nutritional risk” by a health professional.

Can my mom use my WIC card?

Can I have someone else shop for my WIC food benefits using my WIC card? No, only you may use your WIC card but every WIC account can have a second card holder added to the WIC account by the WIC staff. This second card holder will be able to shop for your WIC food benefits using their WIC card.