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What are the livelihood strategies?

Livelihood strategies are defined as those activities undertaken by households to provide a means of living. Livelihood Strategies are diverse at every level. Most commonly, economists group households by shares of income earned in different sectors of the rural economy.

What is sustainable livelihood strategies?

According to DFID’s sustainable livelihoods glossary the term livelihood strategies denotes: “the range and combination of activities and choices that people make in order to achieve their livelihood goals.

What is household livelihood strategies?

This study categorized households into five main livelihood strategy groups. Land holding, education, agriculture and skill training, access to credit, and proximity to the road and market center are the major influencing factors on the adoption of higher returning livelihood strategies.

What are the five livelihood assets?

The framework divides livelihood assets into 6 types: natural assets, physical assets, financial assets, human assets, social assets, and cultural assets [48,50,52], identifying 18 indicators in total (Table 2).

What are types of livelihood?

Human capital: household members, active labour, education, knowledge and skills.

  • Physical capital: livestock, equipment, vehicles, houses, irrigation pumps,
  • Natural capital: access to land, forests, water, grazing, fishing, wild products and biodiversity.
  • What is example of livelihood?

    The definition of livelihood is the way you make your living and pay for the basic things you need in life. An example of livelihood is your job or profession. A person’s means of supporting himself.

    What are the different types of livelihood?

    Types of Rural Livelihoods

    • 1] Agriculture Labourers. Agriculture labourers are those people in rural areas who work as labour in fields and get daily wages.
    • 2] Farmers.
    • 3] Farmers with Other Sources of Income.
    • 4] Rich Farmers and Landowners.

    What are the 5 Capitals in the sustainable livelihoods framework?

    The five livelihood capitals, naming Human capital, Social Capital, Physical Capital, Natural Capital and Financial Capital (Figure 1) form the pillars of the investigating tool for the sustainable development approach, commonly accepted as the livelihood framework.

    What is a sustainable livelihood framework?

    The sustainable livelihoods approach is a holistic approach that tries to capture, and provide a means of understanding, the fundamental causes and dimensions of poverty without collapsing the focus onto just a few factors (e.g. economic issues, food security, etc.).

    What are livelihoods PDF?

    A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets, and activities required for a means. of living. It is deemed sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses. and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities, assets, and activities both now.

    What are different types of livelihood?

    What are the basic source of livelihood?

    Agriculture, livestock, forestry, honey, and handicrafts are natural resource-based livelihoods sources, while the rest form non-natural resource-based livelihoods sources.

    What does it mean to have a livelihood strategy?

    Livelihood strategies denote the range and combination of activities and choices (including on production and investment) made by households in order to sustain themselves and contribute to the economic capital of the household.

    What is the framework of the livelihoods framework?

    The livelihoods framework is a way of looking at the complexity of people’s livelihoods, especially the livelihoods of the poor, whether they be rural or urban.

    What are the three most important livelihood activities?

    Households in the survey were asked to name up to three livelihood activities, by order of importance. A majority of households reported engaging in agriculture (56%), the most common activity. This followed by trade (25%), day labor (19%), and transportation (13%).

    How are livelihood security, environmental sustainability and livelihood assets related?

    Over the longer term, the variables in the ‘livelihood security’ box, the ‘environmental sustainability’ box, and the ‘livelihood assets’ box can act positively on each other, providing that appropriate livelihood strategies are adopted.