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What are the forms of faire in French?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Imperfect
je fais faisais
tu fais faisais
il fait faisait
nous faisons faisions

What are the faire verbs in French?

Faire – to do, to make

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  • Je fais la vaisselle. I’m doing the dishes. Que faites-vous dans la vie?
  • Il fait chaud. It’s hot (out). Il fait 30 degrés.
  • Un et un font deux. One plus one is two.
  • Il fait du cyclisme. He bikes.
  • Je fais tondre le gazon. I’m having the lawn mowed.

How many types of French tenses are there?

The eight simple forms can also be categorized into four tenses (future, present, past, and future-of-the-past), or into two aspects (perfective and imperfective). The three non-finite moods are the infinitive, past participle, and present participle. There are compound constructions that use more than one verb.

Is faire an avoir?

The French verbs avoir (“to have”), être (“to be”) and faire (“to do or make”) are the three most used and, thus, most important verbs in the French language. They are used in some of the ways that we do in English as well as in many idiomatic expressions.

What is the Faire Causatif?

Faire causatif; causative constructions with faire When one does not perform an action oneself, but instead causes the action to be performed, the causative construction is used. It is formed with faire + infinitive, sometimes followed by à or par to indicate the agent.

What order do you learn French tenses?

It’s best to learn the different verb tenses gradually. They are usually tackled in the following order: present, immediate future, recent past, perfect, future, imperfect, conditional (present and past).

How many moods are there in French?

Mood is a grammatical category distinguishing verb tenses. There are four moods in French: indicative, subjunctive, conditional, and imperative. All of these moods, except the imperative, may be conjugated in different tenses. Each of these moods has a different function.

How is faire conjugated in the present tense?

Elles font ses valises pour le voyage. They pack their bags for the trip. In French the present progressive can be expressed with the simple present tense, or with the present tense conjugation of the verb être (to be) + en train de + the infinitive verb ( faire ). Je suis en train de faire mes devoirs rapidement.

What is the meaning of the French word faire?

(He makes pastries). The French verb faire means to do or to make, although it is also used in many idiomatic expressions with various different meanings. Faire is an irregular verb, and it is one of the few verbs that is irregular in the vous form of the present indicative (vous faites) as well as in the ils form (ils font).

How is the present tense expressed in French?

In French the present progressive can be expressed with the simple present tense, or with the present tense conjugation of the verb être (to be) + en train de + the infinitive verb ( faire ). Je suis en train de faire mes devoirs rapidement. I am doing my homework quickly.

Which is the irregular form of the verb faire?

The vous present tense form– faites — is also highly irregular. The pronunciation of faisons unusually has a schwa vowel: f@zo~ . This is one of the few verbs to have an irregular subjunctive form. See this article for information on the usage and translation of faire .