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What are the factors of affecting the resistance of a conductor?

There are several factors that affect the resistance of a conductor;

  • material, eg copper, has lower resistance than steel.
  • length – longer wires have greater resistance.
  • thickness – smaller diameter wires have greater resistance.
  • temperature – heating a wire increases its resistance.

What affects the resistance of a wire?

The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. Resistance also depends on the material of the conductor. See resistivity. The resistance of a conductor, or circuit element, generally increases with increasing temperature.

How does temperature affect resistance of a conductor?

The effect of temperature on the resistance of the conductor is directly proportional to each other. The increase in temperature of the conductor increases its resistance and makes it difficult to flow current through it. Hence the increase in the temperature of the conductor increases resistance in the conductor.

What is the resistance of a conductor state the factors on which resistance of a conductor depends?

The resistance of a conductor depends on the cross sectional area of the conductor, the length of the conductor, and its resistivity.

What are the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends define resistivity and state its SI units?

It depends on the following factors : Resistivity of the material. Length of conductor. Area of cross section.

What is resistance of the conductor?

Conductor resistance is a property of a conductor at a specific temperature, and it is defined as the amount of opposition there is to the flow of electric current through a conducting medium.

What are the factors affecting the resistance of a material?

There are four factors affecting resistance which are Temperature, Length of wire, Area of the cross-section of the wire, and nature of the material.

Which of the following increases resistance of a conductor?

Increasing the length of the wire will increase the resistance of the wire.

Does resistivity affect resistance?

The greater the resistivity, the higher the resistance. The larger the difference between the outer radius and the inner radius, that is, the greater the ratio between the two, the greater the resistance.

What are the factors on which the resistance of a conductor in the shape of a wire depends?


  • Length of the conductor.
  • Area and cross-section of the conductor.
  • Effect of the material of the conductor.
  • Effect of temperature on the material.
  • Nature of the conductor.

On what factors the resistance of a conductor depends give the mathematical expression?

the resistance depends upon resistivity of the material, length, temperature, and area of cross-section. Mathematically, R=pl/A where p is the resistivity,l is the length and A is area of cross section.

What are the factors that affect resistance of a conductor?

Good conductors are associated with low resistance and poor conductors are associated with high resistance. Resistance depends on many factors. There are 4 main factors. They are the resisitivity of the metal, the length of the conductor, cross-sectionalal area of the conductor and the temperature of the conductor.

What are the four factors that affect resistance?

Four Factors Affecting Resistance. Resistance is a property of a DEVICE or a COMPONENT. like a lamp, a resistor, a thermistor, a diode and so on. Its value depends on four things. 1. What it’s made of. Metals are good conductors so have lower resistance than an insulator of the same dimensions. 2. Length – the longer, the greater resistance.

How does cross sectional area affect the resistance of a conductor?

The cross-sectional area of the same conductors will affect the outcome of the resistance. Normally, the thinner conductor always has more resistance than the thicker conductor, where both conductors are made from the same materials. This is because current consists of electrons flowing through the metal of the wire.

Which is better a conductor or an insulator?

Metals are good conductors so have lower resistance than an insulator of the same dimensions. 2. Length – the longer, the greater resistance. 3. Area of cross section – the larger the lower. 4.