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What are the coordinates for the moon landing?

Apollo Landing Site Coordinates

degrees N latitude degrees E longitude
Apollo 16
ALSEP -8.9759 15.4986
Lunar Module -8.9734 15.5011
Apollo 17

What is the location of the Artemis landing site?

South Pole
We have selected the region just outside the western edge of Nobile Crater at the Moon’s South Pole as the landing site for our Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, or VIPER, mission. The robotic rover will be delivered to the Moon in 2023 through our Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative.

What are the factors to consider when you are trying to find a good landing site on the moon?

NASA had a lot of factors to consider when choosing a landing site, mainly:

  • Smoothness and approach path – choosing an area with relatively few craters without any large hills, cliffs, or other obstacles in the way.
  • Propellant – making sure they used the least amount of fuel when landing.

What was the landing site for Apollo 13 that then became Apollo 14’s?

Fra Mauro formation
After Apollo 13 returned, it was decided that its landing site, near Cone crater in the Fra Mauro formation, was scientifically more important than Littrow.

Where are the Apollo landing sites?

The landing site is 41.5 km north-northeast of the western promontory of the Kant Plateau, which is the nearest highland region. The Surveyor 5 spacecraft is approximately 25 km north-northwest of the Apollo 11 landing site, and the impact crater formed by Ranger 8 is 69 km northeast of the landing site.

How many landing sites are there on the Moon?

six sites
The NASA Apollo missions landed at six sites on the Moon between 1969 and 1972.

How do you choose a landing site?

The ideal landing site will have clear evidence of a past or present habitable environment. The site will have a favorable geologic record, such as layers of rock that are preserved and exposed at the surface, making them accessible to exploration, as well as evidence of past water.

Where is the best landing spot on Mars?

Eberswalde: A Delta Within a Delta The crater was a top landing site candidate for the Mars Exploration Rovers. Scientists still favor this location because it contains an ancient delta at the foot of a Martian river. Deltas only form in places where water existed over long periods of time.

How are the coordinates of the Apollo 11 landing site determined?

Site coordinates are based on the planetocentric Mean Earth/Polar Axis Lunar Reference System – DE421 ephemeris. Coordinates determined from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images, see Wagner et al., Icarus 283, pp. 92-103 (2017) The full locations are given below: degrees N latitude degrees E longitude Apollo 11 LRRR 0.67345 23.47307

Where did the Apollo 11 land on the Moon?

Apollo Landing Sites. Apollo 11 — Mare Tranquillitatis Lunar Landing Time 4:17:40 p.m. EDT, July 20, 1969 Landing Site Coordinates 0.67408° N latitude, 23.47297° E longitude Apollo 12 — Oceanus Procellarum Lunar Landing Time 01:54:35 a.m. EST, November 19, 1969 Landing Site Coordinates 3.01239° S latitude, 23.42157° W longitude

What was the location of the Apollo 12 impact?

The S-IVB impact occurred at a distance of 135 km from that seismic station. The seismic station at the Apollo 12 site. The seismometer monitors the level of ground motion to detect arriving seismic waves. The instrument (left) is protected by metal foil against the varying temperatures on the lunar surface that produce large thermal stresses.

How big was the impact crater of Apollo 13?

On April 14th 1970, the Apollo 13 Saturn IVB upper stage impacted the moon north of Mare Cognitum, at -2.55° latitude, -27.88° East longitude. The impact crater, which is roughly 30 meters in diameter, is clearly visible in LROC NAC image M109420042LE. In April, the Apollo 13 Saturn V blasted off towards the moon.