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What are the APRS symbols?

APRS symbols

C1 T2 Description
! / Police, Sheriff
! \ Emergency!
! V Volcanic Eruption or Lava

What is APRS Digipeater?

“Digipeater” is short for “Digital Repeater”; a repeater for packet data rather than voice. Unlike the standard voice repeater that receives on one frequency and retransmits what it hears simultaneously on another frequency, the usual digipeater is a single frequency device.

What is APRS SSID?

The SSID or Secondary Station Identification is a numbered suffix that is added to your callsign to indicate that it is an additional station. APRS has the facility for up to 16 different SSIDs and certain numbers have been allocated to mean certain activities.

What is the APRS frequency?

Because APRS uses a single shared frequency (in North America it’s 144.390MHz), everyone can see what everyone else is doing. By keeping the packets short and turning off transmitters between sends, many people can share the same frequency.

What is APRS frequency in UK?

Frequency: general local aprs frequency UK 144.800 mhz. general local aprs frequency USA 144.390 mhz.

Can Baofeng do APRs?

Your Baofeng is probably in push-to-talk mode. That’s a problem, because APRSdroid can send APRS packets all day, but if the Baofeng isn’t transmitting them, that’s no good. VOX is voice-activated transmission, where 0 is “off”, 1 is “very sensitive”, and 10 is “least sensitive”.

What do you need to know about aprsdroid?

What is APRSdroid? APRSdroid is an Android application for Amateur Radio operators. It allows reporting your position to the APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) network, displaying of nearby amateur radio stations and the exchange of APRS messages. APRSdroid is Open Source Software written in Scala and licensed under the GPLv2.

How many symbols are in the APRS symbol set?

The original APRSdos symbol set (shown several paragraphs below with black background) consisted of about 92 primary symbols and 92 alternates. Those symbols each had at least 8 color atributes for instant recognition of their immediate state.

Is there an Android app for APRS reporting?

APRSdroid is an Android APRS reporting tool. You can support APRSdroid by buying the Google Play version. APRSdroid-current.apk is a symlink to the most recent version.

Is there a Google Play version of aprsdroid?

Once connected, you can beacon your presence, see which stations (amateurs and repeaters) are around and send/receive APRS messages. If you really like APRSdroid, you can support the author by buying the Google Play version.