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What are some good positive affirmations?

50 Positive Self-Affirmations

  • I am successful.
  • I am confident.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am strong.
  • I am getting better and better every day.
  • All I need is within me right now.
  • I wake up motivated.
  • I am an unstoppable force of nature.

What is the most powerful word of affirmation?

10 powerful, positive words of affirmation to say every day

  • I focus on what I want.
  • I can handle anything that comes my way.
  • I have all the strength and confidence within me that I need to succeed.
  • Everything in life happens for me.
  • Nothing can stop me from achieving what I want.
  • I am awesome.
  • I’m making today count.

What is my daily affirmation?

Daily Affirmations for Success I am allowed to take my own path. I put my energy into the things that matter to me. I am free to create the life I desire. I trust in my ability to make good decisions.

What is Morning affirmation?

Morning affirmations are such a powerful way to start your day and something intentional you can do to direct how your day will unfold. When you wake up, your energetic momentum has slowed overnight and you have the opportunity to set a new, fresh tone.

What is positive affirmation?

Positive affirmations are defined as statements that affirm something to be true. Positive affirmations are positive phrases or statements used to challenge and eliminate negative or unhelpful thoughts that would hold one back.

How do I affirm my wife?

Words of Affirmation for Your Wife

  1. You are gorgeous inside and out.
  2. I’ve learned so much from you.
  3. You make me a better man.
  4. I love spending time with you.
  5. I have so much fun being with you!
  6. That meal was so great!
  7. Thank you for everything you do around the house.
  8. I’m so excited to spend time with you after this week.

What is a positive self affirmation?

Affirmations are positive reminders or statements that can be used to encourage and motivate yourself or others. Self-affirmation encourages you to think positively about the important things in your life.

What is an affirmation example?

Some examples of positive affirmations are: I am confident. I am confident socially and enjoy meeting new people. I am naturally self-confident and comfortable with myself and these are just parts of who I am.