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What are some basic English words?

These are the most important 100 basic English words to learn – they as so common as to account for 50% of speaking, reading, and writing….Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

be 🙂 Be happy.
get 🛠️ Get to work.
make 👩‍🍳 Make some food.
go 🛵 Go for a drive.
know 🎓 I know a lot.

How can I start my English vocabulary?

Here are some tips to help you start learning new vocabulary words:

  1. Develop a reading habit.
  2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus.
  3. Play word games.
  4. Use flashcards.
  5. Subscribe to “word of the day” feeds.
  6. Use mnemonics.
  7. Practice using new words in conversation.

How can I learn new words?

6 Tips for Learning New Words

  1. Read, read, and read. The more you read — especially novels, but also magazines and newspapers — the more words you’ll learn.
  2. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy.
  3. Build your own dictionary.
  4. Learn a word a day.
  5. Play some games.
  6. Engage in conversations.

What’s the best sentence starter for a child?

Answer: Here are the best sentence starters for children who are just learning to write: Sequence Words: First, Second, Third, Next, After, Afterwards, Before, During. Words that Show Time: At noon, In the morning, At bedtime, Later, Soon.

What’s the best way to start learning English?

If you want to learn a language, the way to start is by building up a mental “dictionary” of basic words – this is true if you want to learn English. While it may sound boring at first, building up a basic English dictionary in your head is the first step to learning enough English to have a conversation.

Are there any basic words you should know?

Being able to see a picture of what a basic English word is supposed to means is a great way to imprint it into your memory. Here is our own list of some basic words you should get to know. There’s also a downloadable PDF file with all these words waiting for you in the end. Let’s dive in! 1. Hello This is a basic greeting. 2. Goodbye

What are the most common words in English?

90 Basic English Words That Every English Learner Should Know. 1 1. Hello. This is a basic greeting. 2 2. Goodbye. 3 3. Yes. 4 4. No. This is a word that means you disagree with something someone has said. 5 5. Please.