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What are latent defects in construction?

A latent defect is a fault in a property that could not have reasonably been discovered through inspection before completion, and ultimately sale. This could be due to the design, workmanship or materials used during construction.

What is a latent defect in equipment?

Generally defined, a latent defect is one which could not be discovered using ordinary and reasonable care in inspection. Typically a new vessel purchase agreement includes some form of manufacturer’s warranty which otherwise might cover repair or replacement of defective conditions, equipment or latent defects.

What is a latent defect?

A ‘latent defect’ is a material defect, which was not visible after ‘reasonable’ inspection. The material imperfection must have existed when the parties entered into the contract. When a latent defect is present, it means that the product lacks the quality promised in terms of the sales agreement.

What is latent defect example?

A latent defect is a flaw in property you can’t easily spot with a superficial inspection and that the seller does not know exists. Latent defects could be rooms painted with lead-based paint, for example, or a mould problem under the carpeting.

What are latent defects and patent defects?

While patent defects are obvious and are typically discovered during an inspection of the property, latent defects are hidden. Latent defects can cause substantial damage to a home since they can exist for a long time without being noticed and repaired.

What does latent or patent mean?

A patent defect is one that is clearly obvious during the inspection or something that is already known about. On the other hand, a latent defect is one that is hidden or concealed. This does not have to be done on purpose, but it means that you cannot easily observe the issue.

What is the difference between a latent and patent defect?

The Difference Between Patent and Latent Construction Defects. While patent defects are obvious and are typically discovered during an inspection of the property, latent defects are hidden. Latent defects can cause substantial damage to a home since they can exist for a long time without being noticed and repaired.

Is plumbing a latent defect?

Latent defects often include things like, plumbing problems, flood damage, faulty electrical wiring, or structural problem but can also include problems with the roof or HVAC or other systems of the real property.

What is the best description of a latent defect?

A latent defect, also referred to as an inherent defect, is damage to real estate property or a construction project that is not apparent upon initial inspection and is discovered when the property or project is turned over to new owners.

What is latent defect in commercial law?

What is latent defect in software engineering?

Latent Defect A Latent defect is a hidden flaw in a software which is not identified by the user (although the developer/owner is aware of it) until a set of operations is not performed.

Who is responsible for latent defects in construction?

Contracts often don’t include express references to latent defects, and asset owners and operators can pursue damages when the contractor or builder is deemed or thought to be negligent. In other scenarios, designers and contractors may be liable for latent defects for between 6 and 12 years.