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What age is a Tiger Scout?

age 7
TIGER. The Tiger rank is for boys and girls who are in first grade or are age 7. To earn the Tiger badge, a boy or girl must complete six required adventures with their den or family and one elective adventure of their den or family’s choosing.

What grade is a Tiger Scout?

1st Grade
Tiger – 1st Grade The Tiger rank is for youth who are in first grade or age seven. To earn the Tiger badge, a youth must complete six required adventures with the den or family and one elective adventure of the den or family’s choosing.

How do you become a Tiger Scout?

In addition to the four required adventures listed above, complete at least one elective Adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.

  1. Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries.
  2. Earning Your Stripes (To be retired on May 31, 2022.)
  3. Family Stories (To be retired on May 31, 2022.)
  4. Floats and Boats.
  5. Good Knights.

What do Tiger Cub Scouts learn?

Cub Scouting is all about adventure! To earn their rank badge, Cub Scouts complete seven “adventures,” which are collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities. They also complete safety exercises. Tiger Scout requirements explore topics such as nature, games, teamwork, and healthy eating.

Do Lions earn Bobcat?

Do Lions now earn Bobcat first before working on the Lion rank? No, Lions work on their Lion rank first. When they become a Tiger, they’ll begin to work on Bobcat.

What do Tiger Scouts do?

Tiger Scouts is an exciting scouting program for first grade youth ready to get going! Tigers do stuff – lots of stuff – and all with their adult partners. This program is intended to open up the world to inquisitive minds along with the caring guidance of adults. A blue Cub Scout Uniform is also needed.

What is Cub Scout handshake?

The cub scout handshake is completed by each scout using their right hand and placing their index and middle finger on the inside wrist of the scout they are giving the handshake too. The handshake means that each scout will help others remember and obey the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

What do you have to do to be a Tiger Cub Scout?

To earn their rank badge, Cub Scouts complete seven “adventures,” which are collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities. They also complete safety exercises. Tiger Scouts are first grade boys and girls. To participate in Cub Scouts, Tigers must have an adult partner attend all meetings with them.

When is the last Tiger Adventure for Cub Scouts?

In 2020, the Protect Yourself Rules preview adventure was introduced and the notes after requirement 4 were added. In May, 2021, BSA announced that four of the Tiger elective adventures will be retired on May 31, 2022.

Can a tiger cub use the protect yourself rules adventure?

Tiger Cub Scouts may also complete the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for requirement 2. The Cyber Chip requirement (4) may be replaced with earning the Protect Yourself Rules Adventure. If Cub Scouts use the Protect Yourself Rules Adventure in place of the Cyber Chip requirement, the adventure can not be used as an elective for rank.

What are the requirements for the Tiger program?

There are 6 Core (Required) Adventures in the Tiger program: Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others. Play two initiative or team-building games with the members of your den. Listen carefully to your leader while the rules are being explained, and follow directions when playing.