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The trajectory of socialization specific to individual set of directional characteristics, speed and efficiency of its process of socialization.

Socialization trajectory is an integral indicator of the nature of socialization, reflecting its objective and subjective sides. Orbital model of socialization can be viewed in several sections (1) the impact of the external environment as a set of organized and spontaneous actions of institutions and agents of socialization; (2) subjectivity as a conscious independent action of the individual by building up his personality; (3) the disposition of the individual system its concept of life and values, as well as susceptibility to certain behavior under specific conditions, in a particular environment.

Socialization trajectory is related to the concept of “way of life”, which reflects the history of the formation and development of the personality on the events, radically affected the livelihoods of a given individual. The difference between socialization trajectories is that it is based not so much on events such as the freeze of heterogeneous changes in personality, reflecting the impact of the external environment, subjectivity and the system of dispositions of personality in the process of socialization.

An algorithm for constructing the trajectory of socialization is not based on static conditions and the dynamics of the socialization process, taking intoaccount the passed individual stages of life and the main characteristics are measured in the time continuum.
The sociological dimension of socialization trajectory is possible, but has its limits due to the special nature of the process of socialization and the complexity of quantifying a number of its characteristics, for example, related to the individual’s subjectivity and internalization. The studies found the resolution of such indicators as part of the parental family, occupation, education and occupation of parents, the territorial migration included in the system of general and vocational education, occupation, leisure structure, the circle of peers, values, reference group, self-esteem, claims, the thing the world and others.

Social changes in the Russian society of the late XX early XXI century. Led to significant upgrades common trajectory pattern of the process of socialization of youth. Overcoming a unified model of the Soviet type of socialization is accompanied by a “recession” socialization trajectories of youth in the conditions of the polarization of society. Socialization trajectory of young people undergoing expansion horizontal differentiation and stratification associated with significant differences in lifestyle, education, access to information, and so on. D. Socialization trajectory of modern Russian youth have a general tendency of decrease in the state segment of socialization institutions. These paths have the potential of internal unity as the expression of historical, social and national roots of the Russians.

Search mechanisms to ensure social stability through socializative processes, definition of their promising models in the modern Russian society are the most important problems of science and practice.