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Social economy (in sociology, economics) – the social field, the implementation of the social model of the formation of the labor force.

Social economy puts its premises relationship between economic and social sphere of public relations and world economic relations, identifying the criteria of modern economic space and defining the relationship of concepts of social justice and economic efficiency.

The object of study in the social economy are the socio-economic relations, ensuring economic and social stability in society.

The object – a person as a part of social interactions with his needs, motivations, expectations in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods.

The theoretical work is common term for defining the social economy as part of the economy, deliberately focused on personal development and social progress.

Among the conceptual foundations of the social economy as a scientific field are the following:

theory of marginal utility (marginalist concept) (William Stanley Jevons, Alfred Marshall (England), Carl Menger, Friedrich von Wieser, Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk (Austria), Leon Walras (Switzerland), John Clark (USA), Knut Wicksell (Sweden );

Welfare theory (Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Alfred Marshall, Pareto, K. Bills, A. Pigou H. Sidgwick.);

And globalization theory (J. Tinbergen and H. Myurdall);

The theory of “revolution of managers” and “collective capitalism”;

Concept of post-industrial and information society (Daniel Bell);

Concept super industrial Society (Alvin Toffler) and so on.

Conceptual prerequisites determining the economy as the basis of the social economy are as follows:

The optimal use of scarce resources (cost-effectiveness);

Uniform distribution of the national income (social justice);

Mismatching of private and public interests in production and consumption;

Regulation of world economic relations;

De-monopolization of the property;

Blurring of the distinction between social groups;

NTP as a defining force of social development;

The organization of universities and scientific research centers, creating products for the “information economy”;

Accelerating the pace of renovation phenomena in everyday life: more frequent contacts between people; increased migration processes; frequent change of jobs; the total acceleration of the rhythm of life and increase its quality and so on.

Social economy socially and economically oriented target term on the following social objectives:

  • Promotion of full employment;
  • Social security,
  • Social justice
  • Social progress


All this assumes of state measures for the redistribution in the form of social assistance, social pensions and equalization payments, subsidies, grants, a progressive income tax, etc., through a system of social security. Pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and care from an accident; through labor and social legislation.

As well as the following economic objectives:

  • Private ownership of the means of production and free pricing;
  • Creation of conditions for competition, and ensuring competition (e.g. by antitrust laws, laws against unfair competition);
  • Deliberate policy of strengthening the conditions for economic growth;
  • Stable currency policy (including through an independent central bank);
  • Freedom of trade, free currency exchange.
  • The criteria for the implementation of the social economy may be:
  • Demo labor system
  • Socio-demographic characteristics of the population quality
  • Basics of preservation and development of human capital
  • Bases of accumulation of social capital
  • Utility function as a tool for evaluation of the “economy of happiness” for labor resources of the state.

Among the currently known species of economic approaches allow socially and economically determine the possible grounds of social economic development are the following:

  • Economy of consumption
  • Welfare Economics
  • Socio-market economy
  • Socially oriented economy
  • Social Economy

The development of social economy presupposes the existence of a public sector in the social state. The social model of labor is determined in the social field of the social economy and the result of its operation from the social point of view in favor the formation of social capital.