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What nursing consideration is important with acetaminophen? Nursing Implications Acetaminophen is intended for temporary use only – should not be given for more than 4 – 5 days without physician reassessment. 2. Severe hepatic damage is sometimes not apparent until several days after overdosage. What are nursing considerations for paracetamol? Parents should take care they…

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Which is the best code editor for HTML and CSS? Best HTML and CSS Editors Sublime Text. TextPad. BBEdit. Komodo IDE. Visual Studio Code. Atom. Edit+ Bluefish. Which editor is used for CSS? Comparison Table Tool Name Platform Supported Languages TopStyle Windows CSS, HTML, XHTML StyleMaster Windows Mac CSS PHP, HTML Ruby ASP.Net Rapid CSS…

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How does the vault work in MTG Arena? These copies aren’t wasted, they are placed in the Vault, which converts all those cards into a percentage towards “opening the Vault.” This measure is your Vault Progress. Once you hit 100%, you can open the Vault and be rewarded for all those redundant copies in the…

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Does 3 pair beat 3 of a kind in poker? There are six types of hands that will beat three of a Kind – a straight, a flush, a full house, four-of-a-kind, a straight flush and a royal flush. In short – three of a kind is better than two pair. Is 3 pair stronger…

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Did the royal family like Chelsy Davy? Zimbabwean businesswoman Chelsy Davy, who had a high-profile relationship with Prince Harry, has admitted that she felt ‘uncomfortable’ and even scared over the course of their seven years together. The couple met in 2004 and parted ways in 2011, reportedly because Davy did not want to pursue a…

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What is the pitch of an aircraft propeller? The pitch is effectively a measure of how far the propeller would move forwards in one revolution. The pitch is used to control the speed of the air leaving the back of the propeller. The pitch of a propeller blade changes as you move along its surface…

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What is insular carcinoma of thyroid? Abstract. Background: Insular carcinoma is a little-known thyroid cancer, characterized by the presence of well-defined nidi of small uniform cells with frequent areas of tumor necrosis and microfollicles with thyroglobulin. It was described by Carcangiu in 1984, but its prognosis is not yet clear. What is a differentiated thyroid…

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What is associated with exstrophy of the bladder? Bladder exstrophy in a male infant Bladder exstrophy (EK-stroh-fee) is a rare birth defect in which the bladder develops outside the fetus. The exposed bladder can’t store urine or function normally, resulting in urine leakage (incontinence). Problems caused by bladder exstrophy vary in severity. What type of…

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Who invented table hockey? Donald H. Munro Sr. The game of table hockey was invented in 1932, by the Canadian Donald H. Munro Sr., in Toronto. Don, like so many Canadians in the depths of the depression, was short of cash for Christmas presents. He had a wife and three young children. Who invented bubble…

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What does glass frog eat? insects Similar to its red-eye leaf frog friend, the reticulated glass frog is a carnivore. Their diet is mainly small insects like crickets, moths, flies, spiders, and even other smaller frogs. How many babies can a glass frog have? The glass frog prefers to lay its clutch of 18 to…

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