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Is Voluma better than Sculptra?

In regards to differences, Voluma is typically the better choice to help accentuate the cheeks. Sculptra is used primarily for filling the area in using a more broad approach. The results form Voluma will generally last around two years, while Sculptra results may last significantly longer than this.

Can Sculptra and Voluma be used together?

Generally, it’s safe to use different ones in the same areas on the same day. For example, one HA filler put in deeper, and a different HA filler layered on top, in the same area. Problems or more bruising can arise when too much is put in an area. Caution advised on this front.

Do Sculptra lumps go away?

They go away gradually on their own and are invisible; Most smallish Sculptra bumps, if identified early, can just be massaged out by massaging every night for about a minute with lotion for 2-4 weeks.

How long do Sculptra results last?

Outcomes vary from patient to patient, but the results from this treatment can last as long as two years. Many patients need several treatments to fully address their facial volume loss, and the results develop gradually during the months after initial treatment.

Does cheek filler lift the jowls?

Dermal fillers can be used to restore mid-face (cheek) volume and sculpt the jawline, in order to reduce the appearance of sagging jowls. The procedure is not painful, does not require any significant down-time and is excellent at lifting and sculpting the skin, where volume needs to be replaced.

Does Sculptra help jowls?

As a member of the dermal fillers category, this therapy can lift jowls. We may start by injecting it into the cheeks and temples to fully rejuvenate your appearance. As we age, we lose volume in both of these spots; temples start to look hollow, while cheeks look droopy and tired.

What happens if you don’t massage after Sculptra?

That said, the drawbacks of Sculptra include the need for several treatments in some cases to achieve a desired result, the need to massage the treated area for up to a week, and the risk of developing lumps beneath the skin. Dr.