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Is there a rinderpest vaccine?

TCRV was one of the finest vaccines ever developed in human or veterinary medicine. It protected against all clades of rinderpest virus, provided lifelong immunity to cattle, was never associated with any adverse reactions, and a single tissue culture infectious dose was immunogenic.

Can you still get rinderpest?

Rinderpest is the second infectious disease, after smallpox, to have been eradicated. However, potentially infectious rinderpest virus material remains widely disseminated among research and diagnostic facilities across the world and poses a risk for disease recurrence should it be released.

Who developed a vaccine against rinderpest?

Vaccine developments Robert Koch developed the first form of a rinderpest vaccine in 1897 when he noted that animals could be protected from the disease by injecting them with blood and bile from an infected animal7.

What is rinderpest in which country?

Rinderpest, also called steppe murrain, cattle plague, or contagious bovine typhus, an acute, highly contagious viral disease of ruminant animals, primarily cattle, that was once common in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East.

Did rinderpest affect humans?

Rinderpest is not known to infect humans, but its effect on cattle and other animals has had a tremendous impact on human livelihoods and food security, due to its ability to wipe out entire herds of cattle in a matter of days.

When did India eradicate rinderpest?

The International Committee of World Organization for Animal Health OIE recognized India as free from Rinderpest infection on 25th May, 2006.

What does rinderpest mean?

Rinderpest, also known as cattle plague, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals (mainly cattle and buffalo). The classical form of rinderpest is one of the most lethal diseases of cattle, and can have a catastrophic effect in naïve herds.

What type of factor is rinderpest?

Rinderpest virus (RPV) is a paramyxovirus closely related to the human pathogen Measles virus. It causes severe disease in cattle, buffalo, and some wild animals; although it can infect humans, it does not cause disease.

Which animal is commonly affected by rinderpest disease?

What animals get rinderpest? Cattle and buffalo are most commonly affected. Outbreaks in these animals can approach death rates of 100%. Sheep and goats can develop disease but usually with less serious consequences.

What is the cause of rinderpest?

Rinderpest is an ancient plague of cattle and other large ruminants, with descriptions of its effects dating back to Roman times. It is caused by a morbillivirus closely related to human measles virus.

Did Rinderpest affect humans?

Is Rinderpest density dependent?

This suggests that vaccines administered to cattle reduced rinderpest transmission from cattle to wildebeest. Eradication of the virus allowed the wildebeest population to rebound from around 200,000 animals in 1958 to around 1,200,000 in the late 1970s. Both are examples of density-dependent population regulation.