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Is the non custodial parent responsible for health insurance NC?

North Carolina family law does not requirement either parent to obtain health, hospitalization, dental, or vision insurance coverage for their minor children, but they may do so. …

Does paying health insurance reduce child support?

The “why” should be obvious – the primary goal for children in any family law case is to ensure their best interests are met. This means the cost for the health insurance is used as a factor in determining the final support figures, and reduces the total amount of child support to be paid.

Is the non custodial parent responsible for medical bills?

In some states, the non-custodial parent is responsible for uninsured medical expenses that exceed either a set amount or his or her support obligation, while in other states, parents are required to split the cost of uninsured medical expenses based on their respective monthly incomes.

Is the father responsible for health insurance?

Family court judges do not always make the mother or father pay for health insurance. Instead, they determine this financial responsibility on a case-by-case basis according to the specific facts of each. Both parents are legally required to provide for a child after a divorce.

Does Medicaid go after the father for child support in NC?

Under the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid eligibility is determined based on the Medicaid household’s modified adjusted gross income. This does not include the child support that it receives. This affects many low-income, noncustodial parents, as well.

How is health insurance calculated in child support?

The cost of providing health insurance benefits is shared pro rata by the parents based on their income. If the non-custodial parent is providing the insurance, the custodial parent’s share of that cost is subtracted from the basic support obligation.

Which parent provides health insurance?

1. The parent who claims the children on his or her income tax return as dependents is the one required to provide proof of health insurance with the return. Impact: It is generally the custodial parent who claims the children as dependents and the non-custodial parent who is required to pay for the health insurance.

Does child support include medical expenses?

Prescribed expenses. Up to 30% of child support can be paid by the payer spending directly on bills. Only certain types of expenses are eligible, including School uniforms and text books, Child care payments, Medical and dental expenses, School fees, Housing expenses such as rent, and Motor vehicle costs.

Who is the responsible party for medical bills?

the guarantor
Responsible Party — The person responsible for paying your hospital bill, usually referred to as the guarantor. Revenue code — A billing code used to name a specific room, service or billing sum.

Can child support stop Medicaid?

If You Are Enrolled in Medicaid or TANF Failure to cooperate with the child support process can lead to a reduction or elimination of your benefits.

What expenses are not covered by child support?

Only certain types of expenses are eligible, including School uniforms and text books, Child care payments, Medical and dental expenses, School fees, Housing expenses such as rent, and Motor vehicle costs.

What are child support guidelines in North Carolina?

North Carolina Child Support Guidelines Effective January 1, 2019 Introduction Section 50-13.4 of the North Carolina General Statutes requires the Conference of Chief District Judges to prescribe uniform statewide presumptive guidelines for determining the child support obligations of parents, and to review the

When to seek health insurance for a child in NC?

The regulations require CSS to pursue health insurance for a child in any case where the custodial parent and child have no satisfactory coverage available other than Medicaid. Satisfactory coverage includes situations where the custodial parent has insured the child under North Carolina’s Health Choice plan.

Do you need medical support for child support?

Federal regulations require Child Support Services (CSS) to seek medical support as a part of all child support orders and when appropriate to exchange this medical insurance coverage information with the Division of North Carolina Medicaid.

When did NC start using national medical support notice?

The availability of medical insurance coverage services must be explained to the custodial parent in non-public assistance cases at the time of application. On Aug. 1, 2002, North Carolina began using the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN), a standardized federal form that CSS agencies in all states are required to use.