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Is the EmDrive debunked?

After failing critical thrust tests, the “impossible” engine has proven to be just that. The “impossible” EmDrive has failed international testing in three new papers. The idea was always far out, but that’s part of how science moves forward.

Does the EmDrive really work?

Side stepping that Earth shattering possibility, the EM Drive, through rigorous peer review does indeed work. Not only does it work but because it doesn’t require fuel it’s lighter, cheaper, safer and far more efficient than current space rockets. It also doesn’t explode. It’s also fast.

Who created the EmDrive?

Roger Shawyer
Guido Fetta

How fast is the EmDrive?

EmDrive: NASA Engineer Says Physics-defying Engine Could Go 99% the Speed of Light.

What is NASA EmDrive?

Five years ago, NASA researchers experimented with an object called the EmDrive (or electromagnetic drive), a Y-shaped metal chamber in which, they reported, thrust could be produced without propellant.

What is the EmDrive supposed to do?

EmDrive is a concept for a radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster that is claimed to have potential applications as a spacecraft thruster. It is purported to generate thrust by reflecting microwaves internally in the device, in violation of the law of conservation of momentum and other laws of physics.

How does an EmDrive work?

The design of the EmDrive, copyrighted by its parent company SPR Ltd, works by trapping microwaves in a shaped chamber where their bouncing produces thrust. The chamber is closed, meaning from the outside, it will appear to simply move without any fuel input or any thrust output.

Does NASA use magnets?

Scientists and astronauts make good use of magnets in outer space. Magnetism is one force that remains predictable out there and such predictability is valuable. NASA’s Mars Rovers also use magnets to collect magnetic dust from the face of Mars.

When was last time NASA tested EmDrive engine?

The device last made headlines in late 2016 when a leaked study reported the results of the latest round of NASA testing. Now, independent researchers in Germany have built their own EmDrive, with the goal of testing innovative propulsion concepts and determining whether their seeming success is real or an artifact.

Where does the thrust from the NASA EmDrive come from?

The NASA Eagleworks EmDrive sits inside a test chamber. Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. “The ‘thrust’ is not coming from the EmDrive, but from some electromagnetic interaction,” the team reports in a proceeding for a recent conference on space propulsion.

Are there any scientific studies on the EmDrive?

The scientists recently presented their findings in three papers at Space Propulsion Conference 2020 +1, with titles like “ High-Accuracy Thrust Measurements of the EmDrive and Elimination of False-Positive Effects .” (Read the other two studies here and here .)

Is it possible to measure thrust from an EmDrive?

In 2016, a team at NASA’s Eagleworks lab claimed to measure thrust from an EmDrive device, the news of which caused quite a stir. The latest attempt to replicate the shocking results has resulted in a simple answer: The Eagleworks measurement was from heating of the engine mount, not any new physics.