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Is PDFCreator app safe?

Secure your PDFs PDFCreator allows to secure your documents against unauthorized access or modifications. You can restrict access to your PDFs, require a password to open the document or restrict printing and modifying your document. Adding a digital signature adds to the security by verifying you as the author.

Is PDFCreator a virus?

As per the information we have the PDFCreator.exe is not a Virus or Malware.

Who owns PDFCreator?

geek Software GmbH
PDF24 Creator

Developer(s) geek Software GmbH
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type PDF printer/creator
License freeware

Which app is best for PDFCreator?

Top 5 Android PDF Creator Apps

  1. Foxit PDF Creator. Foxit PDF creator is an Android PDF Creator app and most people get to know this Android app from their desktop PDF reader.
  2. Sonic PDF Creator.
  3. PDF Maker.
  4. PDF Creator.
  5. Cam Scanner-Phone PDF Creator.

Why can’t I save as PDF anymore?

Launch the application and go to Edit menu(Windows)/Acrobat(Mac) > Preference > General. Uncheck the box for “Show online storage when saving files”. Click “OK” at the bottom to save the settings.

How is PDFCreator able to create PDF files?

PDFCreator is able to create PDF/A files. By applying strict standards on what can and must be included in the PDF. The PDF/A standard ensures that your documents can be archived for years or decades and will be readable when you need them. FREE PROFESSIONAL TERM. SERVER SERVER

Is there a way to skip print job in PDFCreator?

This feature allows you to skip PDFCreator’s print job dialog and start with the Windows save file dialog instead. After the conversion PDFCreator while remain open and display information about the created document. Furthermore it gives you the quick access to further actions, see Quick Actions.

How can I change the name of a PDF file?

If you want to change these settings, you have to start PDFCreator from the Windows Explorer. With this option existing files won’t be overwritten. Therefore, existing filenames will get a numbered appendix. For example if “Testfile.pdf” already exists, it will be renamed to “Testfile_2.pdf”.

Can a PDF file be created on a server?

SERVER SERVER PDFCreator is able to create PDF/A files. By applying strict standards on what can and must be included in the PDF. The PDF/A standard ensures that your documents can be archived for years or decades and will be readable when you need them.