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Is FXCM data reliable?

Is FXCM Safe? FXCM is considered low-risk, with an overall Trust Score of 93 out of 99. FXCM’s parent company is publicly-traded, does not operate a bank, and is authorised by three tier-1 regulators (high trust), three tier-2 regulators (average trust), and zero tier-3 regulators (low trust).

Is FXCM real?

FXCM, is a UK-based broker offering forex and CFDs trading. FXCM is considered safe as it has a long track record, a strong parent company, and is regulated by top-tier financial authorities like the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Where can I get real time forex?

The 10 Best Forex Data Providers

  • TraderMade. TraderMade is a financial market data provider with over 50 years of in-house experience.
  • New Change FX.
  • Exchange Data International.
  • xignite.
  • Global Financial Data.
  • OANDA.
  • Cboe Global Markets.
  • Seeking Alpha.

Does FXCM spread or CFD?

We’re a leading provider of not only forex, but also CFDs, which means trading with us will provide access to benefits that only a top broker can provide. These include: Award-winning customer service: Get 24/5 service on demand at any time.

How long does it take to withdraw from FXCM?

How long will it take for FXCM to process my withdrawal? Withdrawal requests will be processed within 3-4 business days. After FXCM processes a withdrawal, it could take several more days for the funds to arrive to a client’s bank account.

Is FXCM a true ECN broker?

FXCM are an FCA regulated, London based broker. Trade Forex on 0.0 pip spreads with the world’s leading True ECN forex broker – IC Markets. Great choice for serious traders. ASIC regulated.

Is FXCM legal in USA?

FXCM allows people to speculate on the foreign exchange market and provides trading in contract for difference (CFDs) on major indices and commodities such as gold and crude oil. It is based in London. The company was banned from United States markets for defrauding its customers.

How do I deposit FXCM?

The fastest way to fund your account is with a credit or debit card.

  1. Log in to
  2. Select Deposit.
  3. Select Credit & Debit and follow the instructions. Go to MyFXCM to deposit funds.

How do I withdraw from FXCM?

To withdraw money from FXCM, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select ‘Withdrawal’ or ‘Withdraw funds’ from the appropriate menu.
  3. Select the withdrawal method and/or the account to withdraw to (if more than one option is available)

Is there real time price data on FXCM?

Depending upon the specific instrument and market, pricing data is available in real-time streaming, or on a delayed or end-of-day (EOD) basis. Listed below are the instruments and fundamental data items supported by the Forex Charts application: FXCM’s Forex Charts is much more than a research module for international currency trading.

What makes FXCM a good forex trading tool?

The forex is a dynamic, ever-evolving marketplace. Stay on top of the current events, technicals and fundamentals that drive the world’s largest market. Volume, trader sentiment and other ready-to-go trading tools turn FXCM data into powerful market insights.

How are bid ask prices used in FXCM?

Historical bid/ask prices and application programming interfaces (APIs) let you develop, backtest, and automate trading strategies in a wide-range of software environments. Volume, trader sentiment, and other ready-to-go trading tools turn FXCM data into powerful market insights.

How much leverage can you have on FXCM?

Trade with up to 400:1 leverage on Forex, Index CFD’s and Commodities. An FXCM account lets you start small and includes tools to help you develop good trading habits right from the start.