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Is ETH Zurich prestigious?

Situated in Switzerland, ETH Zurich, also known as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, is a prestigious university with a reputation of being listed in the top 5 universities in Europe and top 10 in the World consistently over the years.

What ETH Zurich stands for?

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich
ETH Zurich (English: ETH; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich; German: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) is a public research university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland.

How long is a semester at ETH?

14 weeks
It comprises 14 weeks. The Spring Semester (FS) begins in week 8 (mid-​February) and ends in week 22 (end of May).

What is ETH Zurich famous for?

Education at ETH Zurich combines solid theory with practical application, and most degree programs build on strong mathematical foundations. For undergraduates the main teaching language is German, while most master’s programs and doctoral studies are in English.

Is ETH Zurich free?

There are two semesters per year, and students at ETH Zurich also need to pay a compulsory semester fee of CHF 69, meaning that your total fees per year will be CHF 1,598 (~US$1670). Students also pay a fee for examinations, of up to CHF 800 (~US$840).

What level of German is required to study in ETH Zurich?

The main teaching language during Bachelor’s degree studies is German….Recognised German language certificates.

Language certificate Required minimum level C1
Goethe-​Zertifikat C1call_made with minimum grade ‘gut’

Is Eth the best university?

ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) is the sixth best university in the world, according to the 2020 edition of the QS World University Rankings®. It continues ETH Zurich’s proud record of being the best university in Switzerland.

How long is a semester in Switzerland?

two semesters
The academic year in Switzerland is split into two semesters (terms): autumn and spring. The autumn semester generally runs from week 38 to week 51; the spring semester from week 8 to week 22. With a few exceptions, courses at Swiss universities start with the autumn semester in September.

What are session exams?

It would appear that ‘exam session’ refers to a particular period when the exams are held, rather than to the exam venue. I think we refer to them as ‘exam sittings’ – say exams are held in June and December – there are two sittings per year.

Why is ETH Zurich so good?

ETH Zurich has been regarded as the best university in continental Europe for some time now. Factors such as academic publications, the staff-​student ratio and the universities’ international outlook are also taken into account. ETH’s reputation among scientists and employers has improved since last year.

Can an Indian get into ETH Zurich?

In addition to a recognized Bachelor’s degree, students must have a good grade average, GMAT or GRE and a language certificate – this depends on the Master’s programme. In Switzerland, not every university degree from India is accepted. You need to get your degree evaluated for this.

Can I study at ETH Zurich without knowing German?

Most Master’s degree programmes at ETH Zurich are taught in English; some require knowledge of both English and German; and some are taught in German. The language skills required for each Master’s degree programme are listed in the section on application documents.