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Is a sports medicine doctor an orthopedic doctor?

Both orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine physicians specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. However, a Sports Medicine Physician’s expertise lies in the non-operative treatments of sports injuries. They train on the sports field and in the training room.

What does a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon do?

Orthopedic surgeons who specialize in sports medicine have been trained to treat all of the musculoskeletal structures that can be affected by training, sports activity, and exercise. They have advanced knowledge of physical conditioning, soft tissue biomechanics, performance and health, and field evaluation.

How long does it take to become a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon?

Schooling. A person interested in becoming an orthopaedic sports medicine specialist must complete four years of medical school. After their undergraduate schooling is completed, training continues with a five year residency in orthopaedics.

Is an orthopedic specialist the same as an orthopedic surgeon?

Orthopedists treat a range of conditions such as bunions, fractures and dislocations, osteoporosis, back injuries and more. Because surgery is so integral to the role, the terms “orthopedist” and “orthopedic surgeon” are often used interchangeably.

Is sports medicine the same as orthopedics?

Orthopedics and sports medicine may address some similar issues, but they are different fields. Orthopedics focuses exclusively on musculoskeletal conditions, while sports medicine can address concerns outside the realm of the musculoskeletal system.

Is orthopedic surgery a good career?

The field of orthopedics offers various job prospects for the degree holders. The great variety of career job opportunities and the career growing way for the orthopedic surgeons is very much sharp. The candidate can join defense services such as army or naval forces.