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How to join a team on IMLeagues?

​Request to Join a Team Log in to your account by clicking visiting the login page. Near the top of the page, click “Search for Anything” and search for the name of the team you wish to join. Find the team you wish to join, and click “Join Team.”

How do you accept an invite on IMLeagues?

​Accept an Invitation to Join a Team

  1. If the captain has invited you to join his/her team, click on the link in the email from
  2. Click “Accept” to agree to the online liability waiver.

How do I activate my IMLeagues account?

Go to OR Go to and click Create Account.

  1. Enter your information, and use your Xavier University email ( and submit.
  2. You will be sent an activation email, click the link in the email to login and activate your IMLeagues account.

Can NCAA athletes play intramurals?

Athletes are allowed to compete in intramurals but must follow a different set of rules than the average student. “Current student-athletes are unable to play on a team in the same or related sport they are currently on an athletic team for,” USD Assistant Director of Intramurals Connor Singhisen said.

How do I pay a fine on IMLeagues?

The fine can be paid in the Campus Recreation Office (101 Student Recreation) with cash or One-Card within two business days of the late cancellation, after two business days the fine will be posted to the individual or team captain’s UNC account and then must be paid at the Office of Student Accounts and University …

Is there an intramural program at Auburn?

Intramural Sports at Auburn University offers individual, and team sports for male and female participation. Intramural Sports offers a great opportunity to engage in competition and meet other students, faculty and staff. Everyone is welcome regardless of your skill level.

Does club sports affect NCAA eligibility?

The answer is: it depends. This Legislative Brief explains the impacts that college club participation can have on a student’s eligibility and how to make those determinations. Since a college club team is not intercollegiate participation, it is therefore considered non-intercollegiate or “outside” competition.

How do I leave a team IMLeagues?

How Do I Leave My Current Team or Change Teams? To begin with, access your team page by simply clicking on your current team’s name. On the left side of the page you should then see ‘Team Links’ and underneath this there should be an option to ‘Leave Team’.

What is school intramural program?

Intramural programs and activity clubs allow students to experience a variety of physical activity and games that will contribute to an active and healthy lifestyle without the competitiveness that comes with traditional team sports.

What kind of example is intramural?

The definition of intramural is something within the limits or boundaries of a college or city. An example of intramural is the sports program of a college where teams from the same college compete for a college-wide title; intramural sports.

How is the staff at IMLeagues so helpful?

IMLeagues and the IMLeagues staff have been a great addition to our program! The site is constantly evolving and getting better and better! The staff is always available and helpful which helps make my job a lot easier. The IMLeagues staff encourages feedback and makes prompt adjustments accordingly.

Which is the best intramural league registration program?

What they’re saying… Simply put IMLeagues is by far the easiest, most interactive, and graphically appealing online intramural league registration program out there on the market, today. Their friendly staff and customer service is top notch. I’ve tried two previous online registration programs before but none compare to IMLeagues!

Is it free to use the IMLeagues app?

95% Of All Programs! Already Industry Leader! × Success! Message has been sent successfully! × Failed! Why IMLeagues? participating in them is even easier! IMLeagues is completely free to use, this includes Intramurals, Clubs, Fitness, and of course our apps! We live this! We offer around the clock live chat,phone,and

Is there another system out there like IMLeagues?

The bottom line is that there is not another system out there that can come close to the IMLeagues experience, regardless of price. IMLeagues has been instrumental to turning out Intramural Program around. Our participation is higher than ever and IMLeagues is one of the main reasons!