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How much is a can worth at SARCAN?

It pays to recycle your deposit beverage containers at SARCAN!

Container Type Refundable Deposit Non-Refundable Environmental Handling Charge
Aluminum/Tin Cans Up to 999mL: 10¢ 1 L & over: 25¢
Plastic Bottles/Jugs Up to 999mL: 10¢ 1 L & over: 25¢
Clear and Coloured Glass Up to 300 ml: 10¢ 301 – 999 ml: 20¢ 1 L & over: 40¢

How do you drop off a SARCAN?

Drop & Go allows customers to drop off their beverage containers without waiting in line! SARCAN staff will still count your beverage containers and you can choose to either receive your deposit refund through E-Transfer, PayPal or by picking up a cheque.

How long does it take to get your money from SARCAN drop and go?

Payments are typically processed within 5-7 business days of order drop off; however, due to the overwhelming use of Drop & Go accross the province since June 15th, your payment may take longer.

Does SARCAN have a limit?

SARCAN’s $75 per person/per week limit only applies to individual customer orders. Exemptions to this limit are available to bottle drives or any organization that is returning beverage containers from places like a school, library, sports complex, or special events like weddings, concerts, festivals, etc.

How does SARCAN make money?

When customers bring their beverage containers to be recycled at SARCAN, they receive the refund of the deposit that was initially paid for at the time of purchase. All beverage containers, batteries, electronics, and paint are processed and recycled into new products.

Are you supposed to squish cans?

By rinsing your empty beverage containers, you help make the Depot a cleaner, more inviting place. Cleaning your beverage containers means less odor and germs. Leave tabs, labels and lids on plastic containers. While it is okay to squish plastic milk jugs, please don’t crush cans or bottles, they need to remain as is.

How does SARCAN work?

When customers bring their beverage containers to be recycled at SARCAN, they receive the refund of the deposit that was initially paid for at the time of purchase. All materials received by SARCAN are recycled responsibly, within North America; nothing is ever shipped overseas or sent to landfills.

How do you sort bottles for SARCAN?

Preparing for your visit By preparing your containers ahead of time, you can ensure that your next visit to SARCAN will be quick and safe. Sort your containers by material type (aluminum cans in one bag, plastic containers in one bag, milk jugs in one bag, etc) to help us count containers as quickly as possible.

How do I get a SARCAN account?

Head over to the Drop & Go Registration page to create your account. The only thing you need is your name, an email address, and phone number. And don’t forget to choose ‘E-Transfer’ as your payment method!

Is SARCAN only in Saskatchewan?

SARCAN has 73 depots throughout Saskatchewan, two processing plants, and one administrative office in Saskatoon. SARCAN employs people of all abilities, and, with over 900 staff, is one of the largest affirmative employers in Canada.

Is SARCAN non profit?

SARCAN Recycling is the recycling division of the SARC, a membership association of nonprofit organizations that provide community-based services throughout Saskatchewan.

Should you squash plastic bottles for recycling?

Give cans and plastic bottles a quick squish —that’ll save room in your recycling bin and make them more efficient to transport. Scrunch foil items together to help them get through the sorting process without getting lost.