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How much information should be on a resume?

Your resume should be as concise as possible; two pages is the maximum length, but one page is preferable. Here’s more about resume length and how long your resume should be.

What additional information should I put on my resume?

Here are some additional information categories you might include on your resume:Certifications and licenses.Training or continuing education.Skills.Special awards or commendations.Publications.Testimonials from clients.Job performance reviews.Hobbies.

Do I need to put personal information in my resume?

The employer does not need to know when you wrote your resume; the dates you include regarding past education and employment are the only dates you need to include. Do not include any personal information beyond your address, email, and phone number.

How do you list skills on a CV?

How to List Skills on a ResumeKeep your resume skills relevant to the job you’re targeting. Include key skills in a separate skills section. Add your work-related skills in the professional experience section. Weave the most relevant skills into your resume profile. Make sure to add the most in-demand skills.