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How much does it cost to hire a professional resume writer?

More often than not, a low rate means you’re getting an inexperienced writer who is willing to be compensated for much less. (Believe it or not, some services even hire a fresh-faced grad straight out of college.) Services typically charge anywhere from $100 to $400, depending on how advanced your resume needs to be.

How much should I charge to design a resume?

From $400 to $1000+ A quality writer will usually spend a few hours writing and editing a resume. Spending $100 to $400 is more than enough money for most people to find a quality writer with expertise and experience.

Can someone make me a resume?

1. Pay Someone To Write Your Resume. Preferably, this “someone” would be a professional resume writer. However, just as marrying someone isn’t a guarantee of a happy life, hiring a resume writer is not a guarantee of having a resume that sells you as the candidate of choice to employers.

Who can help with my resume?

American Job Centers are located in every state, and can assist you with resume writing, skills assessment, job search strategies, and more. Find an American Job Center near you. Your public library is also a great resource for resume and job search books; many offer free resume-writing and job search workshops.

Which resume template is best?

5 Free Resume Templates (You Can Use Right Away)#1. Simple Resume Template. Create Your Resume. #2. College Resume Template. Create Yours Now. #3. Professional Resume Template. Create Yours Now. #4. Modern Resume Template. Create Yours Now. #5. Creative Resume Template. Create Yours Now.