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How much does it cost to clean a dirty pool?

A one-time cleaning of a particularly dirty pool might cost $75 to $100 per hour. Assuming a typical 2-3 hour job, that’s a total estimated cost of $150 to $300. Extremely dirty pools (so murky that you can’t see the bottom on the deep end) might require a drain and clean service that runs $500 to $600 or more.

How much does it cost to maintain a pool in Long Island?

MAINTENANCE Generally, this means chemicals such as chlorine, pool “shock,” test kits for pH and alkalinity and water conditioner. Do it yourself and the bill can range between $300 to $400 for the season. Having the pool serviced can cost $50 to $150 an hour on a weekly basis.

How often should a pool be professionally cleaned?

The pool must be maintained and taken care of regularly; if not, it may lead to various accidents, diseases, and infections. Maintaining the cleanliness of your pool is just one of the many ways of swimming pool care. It is recommended to have your pool cleaned at least once a week to keep it clean and uncontaminated.

Is it worth cleaning your own pool?

If you have your own swimming pool, you may want to save money by cleaning the pool yourself. It takes quite a bit of work to clean a swimming pool and you’ll have to monitor chemical levels at least three times a week. However, it’s worth it to keep your pool clean and safe for use.

How do I service my own pool?


  1. 1Scoop leaves out of the pool. If leaves are left to settle at the bottom of your pool for too long, they’ll break down and stain the bottom of your pool.
  2. 2Brush the pool.
  3. 3Vacuum the pool.
  4. 4Test your pool water.
  5. 5Adding chlorine to the pool.
  6. 6Tip for salt water pools.

How often do you change pool water?

every five to seven years
Generally, pool water needs to be replaced once every five to seven years. This should be done during mild weather so that your pool surface is not at risk from strong sunlight and heat. Your pool maintenance company can recommend when it is time to drain your pool.

How much should weekly pool service cost?

Pool Maintenance Costs

Project Average Most Spent Between
Weekly $125 $100 – $150
Every two weeks $125 $100 – $150
Monthly $115 $80 – $150
Opening & closing only $450 $300 – $600