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How many oil refineries are there in Sudan?

five refineries
2-Sudanese refineries The Sudan has a total of five refineries two of them are complex refineries and the other three are small topping units with low complexity.

Does Sudan have oil refinery?

KHARTOUM (Reuters) – Petrol stations across Sudan will rely exclusively on imported fuel while the country’s main oil refinery begins routine maintenance, the energy ministry said late on Sunday.

Which country is the largest refinery of oil?

United States
United States oil refining In 2020, oil refinery capacity in the United States amounted to approximately 18.1 million barrels per day, while the actual refinery throughput was 14.2 million barrels of oil per day. They have consistently maintained the largest oil refinery capacity of any nation worldwide.

What country gets the most oil from Sudan?

China is the largest export destination for Sudan’s and South Sudan’s crude oil. China received almost 60% of both countries’ total exports in 2018, although the total volume of exports has declined during the past few years.

Does North Sudan have oil?

All of Sudan’s oil refineries are located in the north. What’s more, Southern Sudan will be landlocked, and its only pipeline to the sea runs to Port Sudan in the north.

Where is oil found in Sudan?

Petroleum in Sudan lays in many places, mainly in Kordofan (south and west), the White Nile region, Blue Nile region, Darfur and both Upper Nile and Bahr El Gazal area in addition to the Unity state before the separation of South Sudan.

Who owns the oil in South Sudan?

SPOC is owned by Petronas (67.8%), ONGC Videsh (24.2%) and Nilepet (8%).

Is there oil in South Sudan?

According to the new analysis commissioned by the Ministry, approximately 90% of South Sudan’s oil and gas reserves remain unexplored, providing unprecedented opportunities to international investors.

Who buys Sudanese oil?

Estimates suggest that oil accounts for between 70% and 90% of Sudan’s total exports. The primary importers of Sudanese oil are Japan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, and India. Most of Sudan’s oil reserves are located in the Muglad and Melut rift basins in the south of the country.

Who owns oil in Sudan?

The Sudan National Petroleum Corporation, also known as Sudapet, is a state-owned oil company based in Sudan. It was founded in 1997 and is 100% owned by the Ministry for Energy and Mining (later the Ministry of Petroleum and Gas)….Sudapet.

Type Government-owned

Where are the oil refineries in Sudan located?

Sudan has two oil refineries and three topping plants (smaller, less complex refineries). However, the only active refineries are the Khartoum (al-Jaili) refinery and the El-Obeid topping plant. The al-Jaili refinery, located approximately 45 miles north of Khartoum, is the country’s largest, with a capacity of 100,000 b/d.

Why did South Sudan shut down its oil production?

Disruptions in oil production, disputes over oil revenue sharing, and lower oil prices have had a negative effect on both economies. In January 2012, South Sudan announced that it would shut its oil production over a dispute about oil transit fees.

Where is Nile oil produced in South Sudan?

The Nile blend (33.9° API gravity, 0.06% sulfur) is produced in the Muglad Basin at Blocks 1, 2, 4, and 5A; it is a medium, low-sulfur waxy crude oil and is a more attractive blend to refiners because of its high fuel and gasoil yields.[12]

Why are there tensions between Sudan and South Sudan?

Disputes over the Abyei area and the Heglig oil field between South Kordofan state in Sudan and the Unity State in South Sudan have been particularly contentious because these areas have strategic importance for the oil sector and have agricultural resources that both countries rely on, adding another layer of complexity to the disputes.[6]