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How many blast shards are there in inFamous?

Blast shards, also known as Rayacite or simply shards, are highly charged pieces of earth irradiated by ray field radiation. There are over 859 known Blast Shards; 350 were found in Empire City, 305 were found in New Marais, and 204 were deployed in Seattle.

How many blast shards are in inFamous neon district?

There are: 147 shards in Neon ( only 146 reachable till you get a later power ) 135 shards in Warren. 68 shards in Historic.

How many blast shards are in inFamous second son?

4 Blast Shards
inFamous: Second Son – Parting of the Ways, Collect Blast Shards, Cinder Blast. Collect the 4 Blast Shards and learn new Smoke Shot and Cinder Blast abilities. After the long cutscene follow Reggie’s lead and you’ll earn the Smoke Shot power. Use it to shoot down the Tracker Drones.

Does infamous 1 have trophies?

Collect all other inFamous trophies. Beat the game as a Hero. Beat the game while Infamous. Finish story mode on Hard, without changing the difficulty setting….inFamous Trophies.

Developer Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI)
Genres Shooter, Platform, Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG)

How do you get shards in Infamous 2?

Blast Shards can be found by tapping the L3 or L2 button — this briefly reveals nearby Blast Shard locations on the minimap as blue circles. If you beat 60 Side Quests you can unlock the advanced Blast Shard radar power which shows Blast Shards that aren’t nearby.

How hard is InFamous to platinum?

Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 (Platinum Difficulty Rating)

Is InFamous easy to platinum?

InFamous: Second Son is a fairly easy game to get a Platinum trophy for, so let’s do it! The things to know before starting are that you WILL be playing through the game twice, and you will have to essentially 100% the game, but only once.

Is there a blast Shard in Infamous 2?

In Infamous 2, Cole’s Radar Pulse ability can be enhanced in order to locate any Blast Shard, no matter how far away they are. Blast Shards are never mentioned story-wise in inFamous, but in inFamous 2, they are.

How many Blast Shards are there in the world?

Blast shards, also known as Rayacite or simply shards, are highly charged pieces of earth irradiated by ray field radiation. There are over 859 known Blast Shards; 350 were found in Empire City, 305 were found in New Marais, and 204 were deployed in Seattle. Countless others were found by other people in Empire City and New Marais.

Where are the Blast Shards in Empire City?

Blast Shards — what a nuisance! 350 Blast Shards are strewn throughout Empire City’s three bustling boroughs, and finding them can be a real pain. It’s not that they’re obscurely hidden; after all, all it takes is a click on your left analog stick to see if there are any in your vicinity anywhere you travel.

Where do you spend shards in infamous second son?

The shards in Infamous: Second Son do not increase the amount of substance Delsin can store, but instead can be “spent” on a skill tree in the ‘Options’ menu, to improve any skill from Vent Dash to Video Torrent.