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How long should your resume be 2019?

“If you’re an entry-level worker, you should probably stick to one page, but once you’re beyond that first job, we expect you to graduate to a two-page resume,” says Amanda Augustine, a career coach with TopResume, though she notes that “it would be very rare to encourage someone to write beyond two pages.”

Is a 2 page resume too long?

A resume should typically be only one page in length. However, there are certain circumstances under which a two-page resume is acceptable. As long as all the information that is included is important and relevant to the employer, resume length is secondary.

Is it OK to use resume templates?

Should you use a resume template? It’s certainly a good option for most job seekers who aren’t graphic designers or otherwise need to impress hiring managers with a custom resume. Ultimately, resume templates can help you create a more professional-looking document and apply to more jobs more quickly.