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How long can I stay in a yellow box?

How long are you allowed to stop in a box junction? You must not enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

Do you have to wait for a filter light?

Turning right with a filter light You do not need to wait for the arrow to light before turning; as long as you have a green light you can turn when there’s a safe gap. If the filter arrow lights, and you’re sure the traffic is stopping, then you may turn.

Is it illegal to reverse out of your driveway UK?

While it’s not illegal to reverse out of a driveway onto a main road, it’s not advisable. You must not reverse around a corner from a side road into a main road. The Highway Code is very specific about this: Do not reverse from a side road into a main road.

Can you enter a yellow box when turning left?

You may enter a yellow box junction when your exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for your vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping.

Can you enter a yellow box when turning right?

These have criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road. You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

What does a green arrow on a traffic light mean?

GREEN ARROW—A green arrow means GO, but first you must yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian still in the intersection. The green arrow pointing right or left allows you to make a protected turn; oncoming vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians are stopped by a red light as long as the green arrow is lit.

Do traffic lights go from red to green?

Red and amber traffic lights mean that the lights are about to change to green. Prepare to go by putting the car into first gear, but don’t pass the stop line until the traffic lights turn green.

What is rule 174 at Yellow Box junctions?

Well remembered! Yellow box junctions are covered by rule 174 of the Highway Code. RAC spokesperson Simon Williams said: “Our research shows yellow box junctions are very divisive issue for drivers.

What are the rules for crossing the road?

Do not cross or join a road until there is a gap large enough for you to do so safely. Rule 170: Give way to pedestrians who have started to cross You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a ‘Stop’ sign and a solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.

What is rule 183 of the highway code?

Rule 183. When turning. keep as close to the left as is safe and practicable; give way to any vehicles using a bus lane, cycle lane or tramway from either direction. The Highway Code © Crown copyright. Source:

What are the rules for overtaking a road?

Overtaking (rules 162 to 169) Rule 162. Before overtaking you should make sure. the road is sufficiently clear ahead. road users are not beginning to overtake you. there is a suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake.