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How good is BMJ OnExamination?

On average over 8,000 BMJ OnExamination questions are answered every hour across the world. We have the capacity to handle this amount of activity and number of customers; we are proud to say that our website’s uptime is at 99.9%.

Which is better Pastest or OnExamination?

Pastest is more comprehensive question bank with over 6000 questions, past papers collection, and a mobile offline app that can sync your account. OnExamination is always ranked third by most of the people as a question bank for MRCP part 1.

Is Passmedicine harder than AKT?

I used Passmedicine – this is cheaper and is of a similar if not more difficult level than the AKT exam. We also got to do two mini Mock AKT examinations during the course of the day, with teaching on common / challenging areas in the exam.

Is MRCP very difficult?

Originally from the UK and conducted by the Royal Colleges of Physicians, the MRCP exam has two parts – part 1 and part 2 course. Part 1 is a written exam consisting of two papers, 100 best of five questions (BOF), and a time limit of 3 hours, all of which make cracking the MRCP exam very difficult.

Can I practice in UK after MRCP?

MRCP is a specialty exam, which a candidate needs to pass, before they can enter specialty training in the UK. Once they have passed MRCP 1, MRCP 2 and PACES they’re eligible to apply for GMC registration. Once they’re registered with the GMC, they are allowed to work in the UK as a doctor.

When should I take Akt?

The AKT can be taken from your ST2 year onwards and can be sat three times a year (usually January, April and October).

What is the pass mark for AKT?

The pass mark does vary on difficulty of each exam but historically tends to be in the region of 66-72%.

How do I cancel Quesmed?

If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, delete or deactivate it by making the change on our member information page or by emailing us at [email protected] or by contacting us by telephone or postal mail at the contact information listed …

Can you use Quesmed offline?

Some Quesmed content is available for temporary download and offline viewing on certain supported devices (“Offline Content”). Limitations apply, the time period within which you will need to begin viewing Offline Content and how long the Offline Content will remain accessible. 4.5.

Is MRCP like Usmle?

The two exams are very different. USMLE are licensing examinations done as part of your primary medical degree. MRCP is a postgraduate examination in a specific field, much like being ABIM certified.

How long does it take for MRCP to clear?

It is a 3-year program that helps candidates appear and clear the MRCP exam. This uniquely designed program allows and encourages doctors to improve their existing skills, knowledge, and experience. These professionals can gain mastery in clinical skills and basic sciences.