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How does meningitis affect the kidney?

This can be disrupted by swelling in the brain, leading to a loss of coordination, dizziness, and falls. If this happens, it usually goes away after the meningitis resolves. Some types of bacterial meningitis can cause kidney (renal) failure or long-term kidney damage.

What does meningitis B do?

Meningitis B is one type of meningococcal disease (frequently referred to as meningitis) caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. Meningitis can attack the brain and spinal cord and cause swelling in those areas as well as a serious infection of the bloodstream, called septicemia.

What are the effects of meningitis B?

The bacteria that cause meningitis B can also cause septicemia, a bloodstream infection also known as blood poisoning. When not treated swiftly, meningitis B can cause serious complications, including deafness, the need for amputation, and death. Some people experience severe side effects or death even when treated.

What are the side effects of meningitis B?

When not treated swiftly, meningitis B can cause serious complications, including deafness, the need for amputation, and death. Some people experience severe side effects or death even when treated….MenB vaccine

  • redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site.
  • fever.
  • headache.
  • chills.
  • nausea.
  • diarrhea.
  • fatigue.
  • muscle aches.

What are the symptoms for meningococcal B?

What Are the Symptoms of Meningococcal Meningitis?

  • General poor feeling.
  • Sudden high fever.
  • Severe, persistent headache.
  • Neck stiffness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Discomfort in bright lights.
  • Drowsiness or difficulty awakening.
  • Joint pain.

What are the early signs of kidney problems?

Usually the most obvious sign of kidney distress is a change in the habits of urination. Urine production is a function of the kidneys and therefore any major change such as: less urine, urinating more often, change in color, foam, smell, pain, or blood in urine, can all indicate an issue with the kidneys.

What are the signs that your kidneys are in trouble?

Symptoms of kidney problems. When symptoms do occur, the common signs of kidney problems include feeling nauseous, back pain, frequent urination, dizziness, malaise, swelling feet and hands or face, blood in the urine and high blood pressure. Diagnosis of kidney problems.

What causes kidney problems in men?

There are many possible causes for kidney stones in men. They range from urinary tract infections, certain medications, to lifestyle and dietary choices. Lack of physical activity, insufficient water intake and consumption of foods and beverages containing calcium oxalate, like milk, chocolate and tea can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

What are the symptoms of bladder infection in men?

Signs and symptoms of bladder infection in men include: Frequent urination. Strong, persistent urge to urinate (urgency) Burning or tingling sensation during or just after urination (dysuria) Low-grade fever. Cloudy urine with a strong odor. Blood in urine (hematuria)