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How does a Toro GreenKeeper work?

Press the “Up” or “Down” button until the desired day appears. Twist the knob to “Run.” Twist the GreenKeeper timer knob to “Watering Days.” Twist the dial to “Watering Days,” select the program you wish to set and press “Next” to set an interval schedule instead of an individual days schedule.

How do you set a Toro sprinkler timer?

How to Set the Timer for Toro Sprinkler Systems

  1. Turn the program dial to the “Auto/On” setting.
  2. Slide the program switch to the zone you wish to program.
  3. Turn the Toro Sprinkler timer dial to the “Set Time/Day” position.
  4. Turn the dial to the “Set Watering Days” position.

Why did my sprinklers stop working?

If your sprinkler system is not getting water, a number of things could be the culprit: If the handle on your backflow valve gets inadvertently shut off, it restricts any water from flowing past the backflow and to the sprinkler system valves. Your rain sensor might be faulty. A wire might have been cut.

How to troubleshoot a Toro tmc-212 controller?

Regular inspection and care of the TMC-212 can help optimize its continued performance. Check the circuit breaker if the display is blank and the controller fails to operate. If the circuit breaker has been tripped, reset the breaker. Unplug an electrical device which uses the same circuit and reactivate the TMC-212 controller.

How long does a Toro greenkeeper sprinkler system run?

The Toro GreenKeeper TMC212 sprinkler system allows you to set up to three watering programs by odd and even days or intervals for supplying the correct amount of water to each zone of your lawn. Run time can be adjusted from one minute to four hours with four separate start times per program.

When did the Toro Lawn Mower come out?

Founded in 1914, Toro has been in the lawn maintenance business for the better part of a century. The company has expanded its network of distributors, dealers and retailers, conducting business in nearly 80 countries. The TMC-212 can be programmed to provide lawn watering for a specific schedule and duration.

What to do if you have a problem with a Kohler engine?

Remember to follow all safety precautions before starting any work on your engine. If troubles persist after checking the possible causes listed or you are unable to identify the problem, call KOHLER Engines Customer Service at 1-800-544-2444 or contact your local KOHLER dealer. Select Engine Series or Model