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How do you use uses and gratification theory?

Uses and gratifications characterizes people as active and motivated in selecting the media they choose to consume. The theory relies on two principles: media users are active in their selection of the media they consume, and they are aware of their reasons for selecting different media options.

What are the 4 uses and gratification theory?

The four categories were: diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance. In 1973-74 McQuail, Blumler and Brown were joined by Elihu Katz, Michael Gurevitch and Hadassah Haas, in their media exploration. The collaborative research began to indicate how people saw the mass media.

What are integrative needs give examples?

Personal integrative type need includes elements of both cognitive and affective needs and relates to firming credibility, respect, status, confidence and stability. Needs related to self-esteem and veneration are considered as personal integrative needs.

Why uses and gratification theory describes the use of social media?

The Uses and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on people. It explains how people use the media for their own need and get satisfied when their needs are fulfilled. By referring the media, they gain more knowledge and exposure to the world beyond their limited eyesight.

Why would uses and gratifications theory be an appropriate theory for a study of Internet purchasing habits?

The uses and gratifications theory favors the active audience, and consequently justifies the place of media in the public sphere.

What is uses and gratification theory quizlet?

Uses and Gratification Theory. Theory that says that people are active in choosing and using particular media to satisfy specific needs, emphasizing a limited effects model because of choice and control of the audience and because people are self-aware.

Who proposed uses and gratification theory?

Coined in the early 1940s by Katz and Blumler (1974), the uses and gratifications theory deals with understanding why people use certain types of media, what needs do they have to use them, and what gratifications do they get from using them.

What were Malinowski’s basic needs?

He believed culture exists in order to satisfy seven basic human needs: nutrition, reproduction, bodily comforts, safety, relaxation, movement and growth. Central to Malinowski’s notion of culture is the relationship between the individual and the group.

What are the basic needs according to Malinowski?

Malinowski suggested that individuals have physiological needs (reproduction, food, shelter) and that social institutions exist to meet these needs.

What is uses and gratification theory journal?

The Uses and Gratification theory suggests that audiences are responsible for selecting the media organization that would best serve their needs; and that media outlets are used by the audiences to fulfill specific gratifications. Some critics believe the theory cannot measure an active audience (Blumler, 1979).

Why are uses and gratifications especially important when we are examining MC?

In the mass communication process, uses and gratifications approach puts the function of linking need gratifications and media choice clearly on the side of audience members. It suggests that people’s needs influence what media they would choose, how they use certain media and what gratifications the media give them.

Which tradition does uses and gratifications theory emerge from?

Which tradition does uses and gratifications theory emerge from? Socio-psychological. The chief question driving Katz’s research is: “What do people do with media?”

What are the objectives of uses and gratifications theory?

The objectives of uses and gratification theory are: 1 To show the relation of mass communication and how it is used to gratify needs 2 To find out primary intentions of media use by people 3 To know the positive and negative aspects of media use on the media users.

How are people used for uses and gratifications?

People are not taken as helpless victims of media. Mobile phones, internet, social networking sites, etc. are new form of communication tool used for uses and gratification. In situations like watching movies and listening to the music of your own choice, this theory is applicable. People choose from their own choices and moods.

How is dependency theory related to uses and gratifications?

Uses & Gratifications/ Dependency Theory. It was, in a sense, an extension or addition to the Uses and Gratifications Approach brought about a few years earlier. The theory is in essence an explanation of the correlating relationship between the media content, the nature of society, and the behavior of the audiences.

Why do people use the media for gratification?

Through media consumers’ self-reporting, researchers have identified several types of needs that motivate people to seek media for gratification: 1. Cognitive – Refers to acquiring information to aid the thinking and understanding process.