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How do you use Preferir in a sentence?

Preferir Verb Conjugation in Spanish

  1. Yo prefiero las camisas negras. — I prefer black shirts. (
  2. Ella prefiere venir los lunes. — She prefers coming on Mondays. (
  3. Yo preferiría no salir hoy. — I’d rather not go out today.
  4. Yo preferiría quedarme en hotel que alquilar un apartamento.

What is the El form of Beber?

The following examples show you beber in action: ¿Bebes agua todos los días? (Do you drink water every day?)…Conjugating the Spanish Verb Beber (to Drink)

Conjugation Translation
tú bebes You (informal) drink
él/ella/ello/uno bebe He/she/one drinks
usted bebe You (formal) drink
nosotros bebemos We drink

What do Preferir mean?

(to) prefer, prefer, preferred.

What is Preferir in past tense?

Subject Pronoun Preterite Conjugation Translation
yo preferí I preferred
preferiste you preferred
él/ella usted prefirió he/she preferred you (formal) preferred
nosotros/ nosotras preferimos we preferred

What is the gerund of Preferir?

The gerund of “preferir” is “prefiriendo” (preferring).

What is Correr in present tense?

Correr in Present Tense

Subject Pronoun Present Tense Translation
yo corro I run
corres You (informal) run
él, ella, usted corre He, she runs; you (formal) run
nosotros nosotras corremos We run

Is Beber present tense?

Now you can use this verb in context, conjugating it in the present tense to talk about habits or routines….

Subject Pronouns Present Simple
ellos/ellas ustedes beben

Is Preferir irregular?

Preferir is an irregular verb, so pay attention to the spelling. We need to use the stem prefir- in the third-person singular and plural. For the rest of the forms, we use the regular stem (prefer-). Note: Only Spaniards use the form vosotros/as when addressing more than one person in informal situations.

Is Preferir masculine or feminine?


infinitive preferir
gerund prefiriendo
past participle masculine
3rd person

What is the past participle of Preferir?

Other Forms

Present Participle preferring prefiriendo
Past Participle preferred preferido

When do you use preferir as a noun?

However, preferir can also be followed by a noun, when talking about preferring one thing over another. For example, you can say Prefiero el frío que el calor (I prefer the cold over the heat). The conjugation of preferir is irregular, because it is a stem-changing verb.

Which is the irregular conjugation of the word preferir?

For example, you can say Prefiero el frío que el calor (I prefer the cold over the heat). The conjugation of preferir is irregular, because it is a stem-changing verb.

When do you use preferir in the imperfect tense?

Preferir in the imperfect is usually translated to English as “used to prefer.” Also, notice that there are no stem changes in the imperfect tense. Yo prefería estudiar sola.