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How do you use JList?

JList is a component that displays a set of Objects and allows the user to select one or more items . JList inherits JComponent class. JList is a easy way to display an array of Vectors ….Java Swing | JList with examples.

method explanation
setSelectedIndices(int[] i) changes the selection to be the set of indices specified by the given array.

How do I check if a JList is selected?

To check if there are any selected items, use the following: boolean res = ! list. isSelectionEmpty();

How do you create a JList?

Let’s see the declaration for javax. swing. JList class….Commonly used Constructors:

Constructor Description
JList(ary[] listData) Creates a JList that displays the elements in the specified array.
JList(ListModel dataModel) Creates a JList that displays elements from the specified, non-null, model.

How do you add a JList?

Populate the JList with a DefaultListModel, not a vector, and have the model visible in the class. Then simply call addElement on the list model to add items to it.

How do you add items to JList?

7 Answers. Populate the JList with a DefaultListModel, not a vector, and have the model visible in the class. Then simply call addElement on the list model to add items to it.

How do I add an item to a JList?

How do I remove a selected item from a JList in Java?

The JList component is backed by a list model. So the only recommended way to remove an item from the list view is to delete it from the model (and refresh the view).

What do you need to know about jlist in Java?

JList is part of Java Swing package . JList is a component that displays a set of Objects and allows the user to select one or more items . JList inherits JComponent class. JList is a easy way to display an array of Vectors . Constructor for JList are : JList(E [ ] l) : creates an new list with the elements of the array.

Can a jlist contain a list of contiguous elements?

It is quite important to understand that a JList can contain any list of contiguous elements. This means that, we can add any list of contiguous Java object to the list. We have earlier seen in our JList basic tutorial and examples on how to add a list of String instances and show them in the list.

What is the jlist component in Java Swing?

JList is part of Java Swing package . JList is a component that displays a set of Objects and allows the user to select one or more items . JList inherits JComponent class. JList is a easy way to display an array of Vectors .

How to print list of values in jlist?

We call the handy method getSelectedValuesList () on the JList instance which returns a List , as in our case, we had declared the JList to contain only String values. For illustration purposes, we simply print this list on the console which prints the list of values selected.