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How do you tell if a reaction is thermodynamically favored?

If a reaction’s ΔH is negative, and ΔS is positive, the reaction is always thermodynamically favored. If a reaction’s ΔH is positive, and ΔS is negative, the reaction is always thermodynamically disfavored.

How do you know if a reaction is thermodynamically favorable based on Delta G?

You have to use the relation deltaG=deltaH – TdeltaS in order to determine favorability. If a reaction has a negative enthalpy and entropy increases over the course of the reaction, then a negative minus a positive is still negative. Thus, deltaG would be negative which means that the reaction is favorable.

What is considered thermodynamically favored?

Thermodynamically favored processes or reactions are those that involve both a decrease in the internal energy of the components (ΔH° < 0) and an increase in entropy of the components (ΔS° > 0). These processes are necessarily “thermodynamically favored” (ΔG° < 0) or negative.

Which is more likely to be thermodynamically favored?

Favorable reactions The reactions that do not require energy to be carried out are called thermodynamically favored reaction. In the case of the exothermic and endothermic reactions, the former is more favorable as it releases energy.

Under what temperature condition will the reaction be thermodynamically favored?

Mathematically, ΔG will become positive only when T is greater than 313K. Because of this, the reaction is thermodynamically favorable at any temperature less than 313K (since ΔG will be negative), but is not thermodynamically favorable at any temperature greater than 313K (since ΔG will be positive).

What does it mean for a reaction to be thermodynamically favorable?

“Thermodynamically favourable” means from high energy to low energy, or, put another way, from less stable to more stable.

What does thermodynamically spontaneous mean?

In thermodynamics, a spontaneous process is a process which occurs without any external input to the system. Because spontaneous processes are characterized by a decrease in the system’s free energy, they do not need to be driven by an outside source of energy.

Is the reaction thermodynamically favorable at 298?

4. A given reaction, X2(g) + Y2(g) → 2 XY(g), is not thermodynamically favorable at 298 K. However, at higher temperatures the reaction becomes spontaneous.

Under which of the following temperature conditions is the reaction thermodynamically favored?

The reaction is thermodynamically favorable only at temperatures above 25°C. At 25°C, ∆G° for the reaction is positive.

Under which of the following conditions can an endothermic reaction be thermodynamically favorable?

Under what conditions will an endothermic reaction be thermodynamically favorable? If the reaction increases entropy/disorder/more microstates/more states of freedom/ ∆S is positive.

Is Delta’s temperature dependent?

The delta H and delta S aren’t temperature dependent because their values are calculated at standard condition; the equation for the K values at different temperatures do include temperature as a variable, so it is accounted for.

Is Delta’s positive or negative in endothermic?

5.7. 2: Free Energy and Temperature

Positive (endothermic) Positive (entropy increases) Temperature dependent: as the temperature increases ΔG will become more negative and the reaction will become favored (go forwards)

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What does it mean for a reaction to be ” thermodynamically favored?

Reactions that do not require energy are seen as more favorable. Since exothermic reactions release energy and endothermic reactions require energy, exothermic reactions are more favorable. Re: What does it mean for a reaction to be “thermodynamically favored?”

Which is thermodynamically favorable in the forward direction?

1 Answer. , the reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction, thermodynamically favourable If we substitute the values for and : Mathematically, will become positive only when is greater than 313K. Because of this, the reaction is thermodynamically favorable at any temperature less than 313K (since will be negative),…

When does Δ G become positive in thermodynamics?

Mathematically, Δ G will become positive only when T is greater than 313K. Because of this, the reaction is thermodynamically favorable at any temperature less than 313K (since Δ G will be negative), but is not thermodynamically favorable at any temperature greater than 313K (since Δ G will be positive).