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How do you stop eRenterPlan?

How do I cancel my renters insurance policy from eRenterPlan? You can log in and cancel your policy or call (888) 512-4204 and our staff can assist you with your cancellation.

Does eRenterPlan cover dog bites?

Personal liability coverage provides protection in the event that someone is injured while at your apartment and you are sued as a result. It can also cover you if your animal injures someone, such as if your dog bites another person.

How do I add interested to renters insurance eRenterPlan?

How to add an interested party. You can add additional interest or interested party or party of interest after you purchase your renters insurance policy. You simply contact your insurance company and say that you want to add an additional interest.

How do I add additional interest to my renters insurance?

You can add additional interest or interested party or party of interest after you purchase your renters insurance policy. You simply contact your insurance company and say that you want to add an additional interest.

Do you need renter’s insurance?

While there is currently not a law in Alberta that requires tenants to have renters insurance, many landlords will often make this a condition of signing a lease agreement.

Should landlord be additional insured?

Landlords will generally want to be added as an additional insured on your policy so that any claims that arise out of your operations and/or general use of your premises, especially liability claims, will be covered under your policy first. This is automatically included when you buy a Workplace Insurance policy.

Can you get money back from renters insurance?

Q: Will I get a refund if I cancel my renters insurance? A: Yes, if you paid for coverage ahead of time, you would get a refund check. Keep in mind, some companies also charge a small penalty for cancelling your policy early.