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How do you hashtag a YouTube video?

To add a hashtag to your video:

  1. Enter a # symbol in the title or description begin entering the topic or keyword you want to associate with your video.
  2. Choose a recommended hashtag to promote your video among others with the same hashtag or create your own to find the hashtag that is right for your content.

Do hashtags help YouTube videos?

According to YouTube, hashtags can improve a video’s discoverability on the YouTube platform. Hashtags on YouTube work like other social media platforms (for example, Twitter and Facebook). When you click on a hashtag, it takes you to other posts that also use that same hashtag.

What are YouTube video tags?

Tags are descriptive keywords you can add to your video to help viewers find your content. Your video’s title, thumbnail, and description are more important pieces of metadata for your video’s discovery.

How do you use hashtags?

Hashtag basics

  1. They always start with # but they won’t work if you use spaces, punctuation or symbols.
  2. Make sure your accounts are public.
  3. Don’t string too many words together.
  4. Use relevant and specific hashtags.
  5. Limit the number of hashtags you use.

How can I create a hashtag?

On Twitter, adding a “#” to the beginning of an unbroken word or phrase creates a hashtag. When you use a hashtag in a Tweet, it becomes linked to all of the other Tweets that include it.

Are tags important on YouTube?

Tags are considered an important ranking factor in YouTube’s search algorithm. Like any piece of metadata, your tags are an opportunity to give YouTube and Google information about your video… including your video’s topic, category, and more.

What is the difference between hashtag and tag?

Tags are far more specific and detailed than categories, such as a specific movie genre, artist, marketing technique, and so on. Basically, tags are labels attached to your blog post. To summarize, a hashtag is a tag with a hashmark that is used within social networking websites such as Twitter.

What’s the purpose of a hashtag?

People use the hashtag symbol (#) before a relevant keyword or phrase in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets and help them show more easily in Twitter search. Clicking or tapping on a hashtagged word in any message shows you other Tweets that include that hashtag. Hashtags can be included anywhere in a Tweet.

How do I create a hashtag?

On Twitter, adding a “#” to the beginning of an unbroken word or phrase creates a hashtag. When you use a hashtag in a Tweet, it becomes linked to all of the other Tweets that include it. Including a hashtag gives your Tweet context and allows people to easily follow topics that they’re interested in.