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How do you check if there are duplicates in an array C#?

One method is:

  1. First sort the array.
  2. Then, foreach item: if it is equal to the next one then you have a duplicate (and you may show the message).

How do you find a repeated value in an array?

function checkIfArrayIsUnique(myArray) { for (var i = 0; i < myArray. length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < myArray. length; j++) { if (i != j) { if (myArray[i] == myArray[j]) { return true; // means there are duplicate values } } } } return false; // means there are no duplicate values. }

How do you remove duplicates from an array in place C#?

In C#, we cannot remove values in the array. Instead, we will have to create a new array with the values we want. So, we have to get the distinct values from the specified array and create a new array of distinct values instead of removing duplicate values.

How do you handle duplicates in an array?

We can remove duplicate element in an array by 2 ways: using temporary array or using separate index. To remove the duplicate element from array, the array must be in sorted order. If array is not sorted, you can sort it by calling Arrays. sort(arr) method.

How do I print a string multiple times in C#?

Use string instance string repeatedString = new string(charToRepeat, 5) to repeat the character “!” with specified number of times. Use string. Concat(Enumerable. Repeat(charToRepeat, 5)) to repeat the character “!” with specified number of times.

How do you find duplicates in an array C++?

Find All Duplicates in an Array in C++

  1. n := size of array, make one array called ans.
  2. for i in range 0 to n – 1. x := absolute value of nums[i] decrease x by 1. if nums[x] < 0, then add x + 1 into ans, otherwise nums[x] := nums[x] * (-1)
  3. return ans.

How do I find the first duplicate in an array?

Find the first repeating element in an array of integers

  1. Copy the given array to an auxiliary array temp[].
  2. Sort the temp array using a O(nLogn) time sorting algorithm.
  3. Scan the input array from left to right. For every element, count its occurrences in temp[] using binary search.

How do you find the frequency of each element in an array in C?

2. C program to find the frequency of each element in the array

  1. STEP 1: START.
  2. STEP 2: INITIALIZE arr[] ={1, 2, 8, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 1 }.
  3. STEP 3: length = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])
  4. STEP 4: DEFINE fr[length].
  5. STEP 5: SET visited =>
  6. STEP 6: SET i= 0.
  7. STEP 7: SET count = 1.
  8. STEP 8: SET j =0.

How do you remove duplicates from a set?


  1. Take a Set.
  2. Insert all array element in the Set. Set does not allow duplicates and sets like LinkedHashSet maintains the order of insertion so it will remove duplicates and elements will be printed in the same order in which it is inserted.
  3. Convert the formed set into array.
  4. Print elements of Set.

How do you remove duplicates from unsorted array?

Remove duplicates from unsorted array using Map data structure

  1. Take a hash map, which will store all the elements which have appeared before.
  2. Traverse the array.
  3. Check if the element is present in the hash map.
  4. If yes, continue traversing the array.
  5. Else Print the element.

Can you multiply strings in C#?

We can use the Enumerable. Repeat() function of LINQ to repeat a string x number of times in C#. The Enumerable. Repeat(s, x) function takes two parameters, the string variable s and the integer variable x , the number of times that string variable must be repeated.