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How do you call a function in a PowerShell script?

A function in PowerShell is declared with the function keyword followed by the function name and then an open and closing curly brace. The code that the function will execute is contained within those curly braces. The function shown is a simple example that returns the version of PowerShell.

How do you create a function in PowerShell?

To create a function, call the function keyword followed by a name for the function, then include your code inside a pair of curly braces.

  1. function Add-Numbers { $args[0] + $args[1] }
  2. function Output-SalesTax { param( [int]$Price, [int]$Tax ) $Price + $Tax. }
  3. Example Functions.
  4. Related PowerShell Cmdlets:

How do you call a PowerShell script from PowerShell?

To run a script, open a PowerShell window, type the script’s name (with or without the . ps1 extension) followed by the script’s parameters (if any), and press Enter.

What are PowerShell functions?

A function is a list of PowerShell statements that has a name that you assign. When you run a function, you type the function name. The statements in the list run as if you had typed them at the command prompt. Functions can be as simple as: PowerShell Copy.

How do you call one script from another script in PowerShell?

If you open the ISE by right clicking a script file and selecting edit then open the second script from within the ISE you can invoke one from the other by just using the normal . \script. ps1 syntax.

How does function work in PowerShell?

A function in PowerShell is a grouping of code that has an optional input and output. It’s a way of collecting up a bunch of code to perform one or many different times by just pointing to it instead of duplicating that code repeatedly.

How do you call a PowerShell script from the command line?

To run scripts via the command prompt, you must first start up the engine (powershell.exe) and then pass the script path as a parameter to it. You can run scripts with parameters in any context by simply specifying them while running the PowerShell executable like powershell.exe -Parameter ‘Foo’ -Parameter2 ‘Bar’ .

How do you call a PowerShell script from a batch file?

PowerShell.exe -Command “& ‘%~dpn0. ps1′” actually runs the PowerShell script. PowerShell.exe can of course be called from any CMD window or batch file to launch PowerShell to a bare console like usual.

Where do PowerShell functions go?

Now every time you open your PowerShell console the function will be available. If you wish to use the function in a script, place the function in the script above the sections where you need to use it. Typically this will be towards the top.

How do I create a function in PowerShell?

To create a function in Windows PowerShell, you begin with the Function keyword, followed by the name of the function. As a best practice, use the Windows PowerShell verb-noun combination when creating functions. Pick the verb from the standard list of Windows PowerShell verbs to make your functions easier to remember.

What is a simple PowerShell script?

A PowerShell script is simply a text document that contains a series of cmdlet executions (with some control logic around it). So to create a PowerShell script, simply create a new text file, and name it something obvious, such as “MyFirstPowerShellScript.ps1”.

What is the function of PowerShell?

A function in PowerShell is a grouping of code that has an optional input and output. It’s a way of collecting up a bunch of code to perform one or many different times by just pointing to it instead of duplicating that code repeatedly.

What is the function of a caller?

“Caller” refers to the function that calls the function you are thinking about. So in your example, main() is the caller, and thisFunction() is the “callee” (or, the function being called). You usually use the term when a function could be called from more than one place so it makes sense to refer to the caller in a generic way.