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How do I reset my Cisco E1000 router password?

Open a web browser, and in the address bar, enter (the default IP address). Then, when prompted, leave the username field blank and enter admin in the password field. Change the default admin password to something more secure and consider storing it in a free password manager.

What is the default Linksys router password?

The router’s default Password is “admin”, as for the User name, you can leave the field blank. For security purposes, it is recommended to change the default password. QUICK TIP: Changing the router’s password through the web-based setup page may prevent you from using the Linksys Connect software.

What is the default Wi-Fi password?

#2) Generally, for most of the routers, the default username and password is “admin” and “admin”. However, these credentials may vary depending upon the maker of the router.

How do I setup my Linksys E1000 router?

Insert the Easy Setup Key into an available USB port on the computer that you want to connect to the Router . 2 . On that computer, click Connect to your Linksys Router . (If you do not see this, access the Easy Setup Key through Windows Explorer or the Finder, and double-click Connect .)

What is the default username for Cisco Linksys E1000?

To login with the modem Cisco Linksys-E1000 you will need to use the following default username and password: blank/admin Others IP addresses used by the router brand Cisco

What is the default IP address for the E1000 router?

The default IP address for the E1000 router is This is what’s entered as the URL to access the router settings. There isn’t a default username for this router, so leave that text field blank when logging in.

How do I Reset my Linksys E1000 router password?

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to reset your Linksys E1000 router back to its default settings, which will restore the default username and password, too. Here’s how to do it: Turn the Linksys E1000 around so you can see the cables plugged into the back. Press and hold the Reset button for 10-15 seconds.

How can I Change my router admin password?

Reconnect to the router. Open a web browser, and in the address bar, enter default IP address). Then, when prompted, leave the username field blank and enter admin in the password field. Change the default admin password to something more secure and consider storing it in a free password manager.