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How do I recertify for public assistance in NY?

NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) will send a mail-in Recertification/Eligibility Questionnaire in the fifth month. Households must return the form by the 10th day of the sixth month. The form may be returned in the reply envelope provided by HRA, or bring the completed form to your local job center.

How often is snap recertification?

This is called your “certification period.” You will have to recertify periodically to continue receiving SNAP. Certification periods can last for 6, 12, or 24 months depending on your household circumstance. DHS will send a recertification packet to the mailing address on file.

What are the requirements for food stamps in New York?

Eligibility Requirements. In order to qualify for The New York Food Stamp program, you need to meet a specific set of eligibility requirements which are mainly based on income and residence. For you to qualify for the program you need to: Be a resident of New York. Be a citizen of US or a legal alien.

How do I apply for food stamps in NY?

Application Assistance via Phone. You can request for the application form for the program by calling your nearest food stamp centre through the following number: 718-557-1399. By calling the number you will get the chance to talk to a New York Food Stamp program representative who will guide you through the application process.

How do you renew food stamps?

You may be able to renew food stamps online, through the mail or over the phone. In many cases, however, you will need to visit your public assistance office in person to complete a food stamp renewal application.

What are the qualifications for food stamps?

The qualifications for food stamps include a household asset limit, two household income standards, work requirements for certain able-bodied applicants and legal U.S. residential status. To participate in SNAP, applicants must submit an accounting of the household’s assets.